34 | Falling For Him

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Chapter thirty-four | Falling for him

Three months, four days

"I think we did a pretty good job." I said, smiling widely.

I was currently standing in the middle of the nursery, admiring the freshly painted walls that Demi and I had just finished. We decided on gender neutral colors not wanting the room to be too girly or too pink, considering Harry was already sick of the color.

I opted for white, soft grey, and subtle touches of blush pink and mint for her room and it had come out amazing. I wanted the nursery to have a soft, warm and cozy feeling and now the only thing that was left was to add the furniture, which Harry wanted to handle. He didn't want me doing any heavy lifting for obvious reasons.

"Yes, it came out so cute. However, I'm starving right about now." Demi exclaimed and the corners of my mouth turned up into a smile.

"I'll make us some lunch," I laughed, placing my hand on my fairly swollen belly as I felt the little one kicking rather hard. "I think the little one might be hungry too,"

It was now June, and I was exactly eight months along. My belly was huge, and I looked as if I would pop any day now. The past three months had flew by and our daughter was more healthy as ever.

After Demi and I changed our clothes, and cleaned the paint off of us we headed into the kitchen and made our lunch and sat down at the breakfast nook.

"So, have you thought of any names for the baby?" Demi questioned as she took a bite of her sub.

"Nope, which makes me a bit worried. I really want her to have a name before I go into labor." I answered honestly. "We had come up with a few names but none that we both could agree on."

"Of course, Harry is such a stubborn person sometimes." She laughed.

Yes. He's obsessed with the name Darcy, which I hate and I like Olivia which of course he hates."

Demi and I talked for a long time, after that just catching up. However, she left shortly after two-thirty p.m. having to run a few errands for her mom leaving me all alone.

With nothing else to do, I did some cleaning up around the house, organized the baby's closet in the nursery and afterward drew a bath for myself before Harry came home. It had been a long day and I was exhausted.

At around six p.m, Harry came through the door with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he spotted me on the sofa in the living room. He looked tired, but to my surprise was still in a rather good mood.

"How are you two?" Harry asked before he leaned down and kissed me.

"We're fine. How was work?" I replied.

"I don't even want to talk about work; my new assistant is a complete moron. He's unable to follow the most simplest of orders." He huffed, obviously annoyed. "I honestly miss you behind that assistants desk."

"Isn't this your third assistant in two months?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Nodding, he ran his hand across his face in frustration. "Enough talking about work it's stressing me out," He sighed, rubbing at his temples.

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