20 | Falling For Him

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                                                  Chapter Twenty | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

I tried to sleep countless times, but it was made clear that was not going to happen anytime soon. I was too uncomfortable, I found my mind wandering to Selena every couple of minutes, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was still awake or sleeping right now.

I couldn't get her out of my mind lately, and it was making it hard to be with her constantly being around me lately.

Frustrated, I sat up grabbing my phone and decided to check a few emails trying to keep my mind busy. However, ten minutes later, something clicked behind me and I turned around to see none other than Selena emerging from her bedroom and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I said softly, Selena whirled around, with a gasp dropping the glass she had just grabbed, and it tumbled to the floor with a loud crash.

"Harry! You scared me; it is six in the morning. I thought you were sleep." She snapped, as she held her hand on her chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," I replied, honestly, as I stood to my feet headed into the kitchen.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack! Why are you even still awake?" She asked, bending down to grab the broken shards of glass.

"I couldn't sleep, too much on my mind." I shrugged, "Better question, why are you awake?" I added, bending down to help clean up the glass.

"Same because someone woke me from my sleep, and had me go down to a precinct and bail them out of jail at three in the freaking morning,"

"Selena, honestly I am sorry about that but I just couldn't call Gem because we got into an argument and mom wouldn't let me hear the end of it about being arrested."

"You and Gem seemed okay back at your moms,"

"Yeah, well, we weren't but I don't feel like getting into what happened." I sighed.

"Okay, well, I was coming to make some tea before you nearly caused my heart to beat out of my chest." She stated, rolling her eyes obviously trying to change the subject.

"How about I make it for you," I suggested as she laughed.

"You in a kitchen? Please." She laughed, hysterically.

I arched a brow, "What's so funny Gomez? I do cook I may have maids but I can burn in the kitchen,"

"Yeah, right, when you say burn do you mean like literally?" She teased and I stepped closer to her making sure to step over the area that had a few glass shards still there.

"Gomez, let's not be jealous of my skills here," I smirked as I placed my hands on either side of her head against the cabinets above her, trapping her as I stared down at her lips.

She was about to speak but before she could I pressed my lips against hers no longer able to contain myself I needed her and now.

I pulled away when I noticed her just standing there frozen, and she stared at me in complete shock for a few moments before she grabbed a fist full of my shirt and kissed me back passionately.

Snaking my arms around her thin waist, I pulled her closer and she wrapped her arms around my neck, standing on her tiptoes.

I could no longer resist my urges for her and judging by the way, she was devouring my face, neither could she.

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