19 | Falling For Him

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A/N: This chapter seemed to be long so I chopped it up and I know this psrt isn't very exciting but the next should be ;-) lol anyway. Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.
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Chapter Nineteen | Falling for him

Harry's P.O.V

The party had long ended and the only people who were left were; the clean-up crew, which consisted of Gemma, Ariana, Louis, and myself. Selena had offered to help but mom being mom refused deciding she needed rest and drove her home.

After tossing a few red plastic cups, into the trash I turned around ready to clean the rest of the kitchen when I bumped into Ariana who was headed toward the trashcan.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," She smirked, amused.

"Right," I spat sarcastically, rolling my eyes as I brushed past her continuing grab emptied cups from the counter.

"Harry, stop pretending that there isn't at least a small part of you that misses having me," She smiled, taking a few steps towards me as I backed away.

"Why are you even still here? You're no longer my fiancée and quite frankly I'm tired of seeing you." I hissed, annoyed as Gemma walked into the kitchen with two overflowing bags of trash.

"There you are, Harry. Could you help with these trash bags?" She arched a brow.

Sighed, I nodded even though I knew this was her way of having that so-called, talk she wanted to have, with me. However, even though I honestly didn't want to talk with her it kept me from having to be around Ariana at the moment so I didn't care.

Taking one of the bags, I followed Gemma out into the backyard tossing the bag into the dumpster as Gemma repeated my action. After doing so, I turned on my heel headed for the door when Gemma caught my arm stopping me.

"Listen, you and I need to talk." She stated, folding her arms across her chest.

"Why do we need talk? There is nothing to talk about," I replied, flatly.

"You never told Selena about that kiss with Ariana back in the Bahamas did you?" She questioned as I groaned.

"Seriously Gemma, mind your business and let me handle mine. Why is this even your concern its old news?"

"It becomes my business when you're leading that poor girl on! She's pregnant Harry you need to get your stuff together and quit messing with Ariana!" Gemma snapped.

"Gemma you know nothing about me! So quit acting as if you do because you don't! Your friend in there was the one that kissed me by the way!" I retorted, furious.

Who was she to pry into my business? I didn't say anything to Louis when she was still talking with Niall behind his back while they were dating.

"I know you better than you think you know yourself. You're truly dad's child." She said and that one comment sent me over the edge.

"SCREW YOU GEMMA! DON'T EVER COMPARE ME TO THAT MAN!" I shouted and am very positive every neighbor on this side of the block could hear. "I would never as much as lay a finger on Selena!"

I stated and with that stormed out of the backyard, towards the front as mom was pulling into the driveway. I could hear Gemma and now my mom calling my name in the distance as I climbed in my car slamming the door.

I needed to calm down before I did something stupid but Gemma comparing to my father was an insult.

After I cooled down a bit, I buckled my seatbelt and stabbed off up the road not looking back once.

Falling For Him | ✓ | editingWhere stories live. Discover now