(30)Sweet Shadowy Dreams (Part 1)

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The most perfectly titled song for one of my favourite chapters! 

I definitely recommend listening to this song whilst reading...

I definitely recommend listening to this song whilst reading

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The sky was filled with stars.

It was so blue- so abundantly blue. There was nothing more beautiful. The azure night sky was laced with sliver dots, each radiating a distant speck of light against the glow of a deep purple, black and royal blue canvas.

Uranus handed me the thin, golden telescope he often used. His smile was small, but cheerful as he pointed up to a white, twinkling star to our right. "Look at that one. It's something special."

I placed the telescope to my eye and peered at the star. It was something quite special. The night sky seemingly grew darker as the star grew lighter, but still remaining as small as it had been. I smiled. "It is."

"Thanatos," My uncle smiled at me with a broad grin. "Will you let me go up there and fetch it for you?"

Who was I to say no to the king of the gods? I nodded my head in approval and smiled when he laughed. He always had the most surprising laugh. It was booming, but gentle. Like a giant with a kind heart. That's what he was.

It was so different from the man standing behind me, his dagger drawn.

Erebus eyed me. I could feel his stare driving stakes through my back.

I glanced around at him.

He met my eyes with his deep black gaze, but said nothing. The air around him was an abyss. The sky behind me was a void. There were no stars. There was no moon. There was nothing. Nothing at all.

I turned to the front again and Uranus noticed my smile was gone. He frowned. "Don't look so sad, Thanatos. You always look so sad."

"I... don't mean to."

"You always look so sad." My uncle repeated and lifted the telescope up to ogle the stars. I didn't felt it leave my hands.

"The stars smile on you. You should smile, Thanatos. You should smile with them." His words made sense, but I didn't know what they meant.

The blackness behind me was suffocating. It was creeping around my ankles- around my wrists. It moved like my cloak often did; pulling at my limbs. Forcing me to do things.

Erebus just watched.

I wasn't sure- I felt it. On my back. His eyes. He liked to watch.

"Smiling hurts." I confessed softly and my voice was unlike I remember. It sounded like Hypnos'.

"Smiling hurts us all. You should try it when you don't have a dagger to your back." Uranus demonstrated with his own warm grin. It was filled with compassion. It was kind. It was not like mine.

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