(18)My Ash, My Pain

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My brother was still fast asleep; passed out in his bed, with half of his clothes from last night still on

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My brother was still fast asleep; passed out in his bed, with half of his clothes from last night still on.

I watched him with a glare, my hands on my hips. Bastard.

I turned slightly and grabbed the first thing I could get my hands on. I chucked him with a big, white candle. The hard object hit Hypnos with a loud thud and the shocked grunt that followed was music to my ears.

My twin sprang up in his bed, his eyes wide and alert. Immediately, his hand flew up to his head and he clutched the side. No doubt his temple was throbbing. Good.

"Lying bastard." I said simply and leaned against the wall beside his bed.

Hypnos' remaining breath was ripped out of his lungs the moment he heard my voice. He swung his body towards me and his eyes flashed with angst. "Oh, Thanatos! You scared me... Wait-" He paused and frowned; "Did you say-"

"Lying bastard? Why yes, yes I did."

His frown deepened. "Uh... I... What? I'm sorry, I'm confused-"

"You lied, you lying bastard. You lied to my face." I smiled at him; "Is that clear enough now?"

Hypnos hesitated. With a curt exhale and a slanted look, he answered with; "I see."

I wasn't satisfied with this answer. I grabbed the next nearest object and threw it at him. Hypnos ducked when he saw the book hurtling towards his face at full speed. "Thanatos!"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I was shouting now- clearly angry. My hand reached for a pillow on the couch. Hypnos rolled out of the way when I tried to smack him through the face with it.


"Why didn't you tell me that Hecate was trying to mess with my personal life?"

"It's not that simple!" Hypnos picked up a silver tray that one of the servants had left behind and held it up to his face to protect it. I was throwing apples at the tray; making large dents in the silverware.

"Of course it is! A mentally unstable goddess is planning to ruin me and all you have to do is tell me!"

Hypnos was walking backwards. He nearly tripped over his pair of shoes that lay discarded on the floor from last night. "She's not mentally unstable! And she's not trying to ruin you!"

"Debatable!" I yelled back as I reached for more apples, but sadly found the fruit bowl empty. I grabbed the bowl instead.

"Not everyone is trying to kill you, Thanatos!"

I disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving the chamber with a sudden, suffocating silence. Hypnos dropped the tray and darted his eyes around nervously. Softly he muttered; "Oh, no... I hate it when you do this."

With a flash of more smoke, I reappeared behind him and placed the glass bowl over his head. I pushed his head back, trapping his face into the deep vessel and kept his body restrained against mine. "Tell me everything!"

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