(4)Rotting Pomegranate Pips

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Opis knocked on my door for the fourth time

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Opis knocked on my door for the fourth time. I sighed deeply and with growing trepidation; I knew that it was time to face the music.

They were all waiting for me to arrive for dinner.

"Majesty?" Opis opened the door slightly and curled his hand around the wooden frame. He sighed softly when he saw me lingering by the fire. The room was dark. "It's really time now. They're growing impatient."

"I know, I know..." I shook my head and placed the empty tumbler on the marble mantlepiece above the hearth. "I'm on my way."

Opis bowed as I turned around and adjusted my black cloak. She hummed in response; my heart was beating at an irregular pace and so she tightened around me. I appreciated the sentiment, but it wouldn't be of much help tonight. "Who's all present?"

Opis' grin was knowing. "Your brother, Nyx and Hemera."

I nodded and placed my hands on my hips. "I assume they've eaten already?"

"Yes. Your 'important appointment' was taking far too long." Opis smirked at me. He knew perfectly well that I had no appointment. I didn't want to be near that room tonight. I would honestly rather travel down to Tartarus and speak with Cronus before I walked over to Nyx's room.

"Alright. Let's get this over with."

Opis stepped aside for me to pass him, but before I left the room, I turned to him with a frown; "And Opis; could you please stop calling me majesty. We've discussed this."

"It's the appropriate protocol, maj- my lord." Opis sighed and shrugged, but he didn't seem too bothered with it.

It still felt so odd to me. I was definitely used to everyone else referring to me as 'majesty' or 'emperor', but Opis and Irma weren't like everyone else. They were family.

"When we're in private, just say Thanatos. You know I favor it. Irma does it."

Opis placed his hand on my back and led me outside; "Irma also bathed you when you were a boy; I did not."

A small chuckle escaped my mouth. I felt suddenly strange; when was the last time I'd laughed? Or smiled? Gods, how depressing. "Fair point, but please, Opis. Just keep the etiquette to a minimal. I hate how everyone is stepping on eggshells around me lately."

"You've noticed it then?" Opis asked as we leisurely walked towards the foyer of the royal wing.

"It's hard to miss..." I muttered under my breath and waited for the guards to open the door. They bowed as we passed.

Opis nodded, his wise eyes fixed on the floor. "You need to relax more."

I scoffed loudly and swung my head to the side to shoot the older man a wry look, but before I could respond to his comment, Opis quickly added; "I know, I know! It's difficult, but you have to. Perhaps tomorrow you should stay in? Rest and recoup."

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