(6)Sour Blackberries

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"Ah, the emperor has returned to me! How lucky am I?"

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"Ah, the emperor has returned to me! How lucky am I?"

My tolerance for this man was done. Completely and utterly done. I was past dealing with his god's exasperating manner of conveying his thoughts, patching odd and unrelated topics together and his absolute disregard for time.

But I suppose that's what you get when you place the god of time in a prison for thousands of years- a man who cares for nothing but to waste your precious time.

"Cronus." I sighed with heightened vexation. Gods. A conversation with a brick wall would bring me more joy...

"Thanatos, what brings you back to my neck of the woods, hmm?" Cronus leaned against the impenetrable glass of his cage. He appeared poised and at ease, but it so simple to recognise that flash of insanity in his eyes. Years of being caged would do that to a man.

Although, he wasn't all there to begin with, to be honest...

"Answers. Straightforward answers." I emphasised.

I sat down in front of the large cage that held my much older cousin. Cronus and I had a rocky history. He was king once, and with Erebus' influence, he was seriously considering making me his heir one day. Not Zeus; his biological son.

Cronus had a big fear of his sons and daughters; he was worried that they'd turn against him like he turned against Uranus. He was right of course, but it was his own manic desire for power and his greed that pushed his children away.

Erebus was... that was a different tale. One I didn't enjoy speaking about. Or thinking about.

"Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?" Cronus was watching the skies. They were red in Tartarus- a bloody, ashy, smoke-filled red. Screams could always be heard in the faint distance. "Or are you a red-haired man?"

"Cronus." I said with a deadpan tone and little patience. "I am not doing this. You have me mistaken for someone who entertains your shit."

"I, myself, am a big fan of red heads. They're something else."

My glare was intense. He was honestly pushing his luck, wasn't he?

"I think you like blondes, am I right? You look like you do." Cronus smirked at me with a knowing grin.

I stood up from the chair and turned back to where I'd entered.

Like I said- I was done.

"Wait!" Cronus laughed loudly and his voice grew merry. "Alright, alight! I can see you're not in the mood! Come back! I'll help you!"

I continued to walk on. His words weren't enough, but then I heard him knock the thick, magical glass with his fist. "Thanatos! I said I'd help!"

I stopped.

Good. Now he knew who was in charge. I hated that every time we met I had to remind him...

I turned around, but didn't move back towards the cave. My arms crossed over my chest and I stood staring at him with a glower.

Thanatos : The Black DawnWhere stories live. Discover now