(41)Pepper-coloured Poison (Part 2)

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Aurora's flat was dark when I entered

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Aurora's flat was dark when I entered.

The black portal behind me disintegrated into ash and dust, which floated down to the wooden floor of her lounge. The delicious scent of her reached my nose; she could be found everywhere in this quant home. Her scent lingered, teasing me.

The anticipation of seeing her, holding her in my arms again was still so great. I hoped it never faded- I doubted it could. It seemed to be growing; building every day.

Yes, we would be married soon. She couldn't deny our union for much longer. She must feel this too?

"Angel?" I stepped towards her bedroom, which lately, we shared more often than not. Spending my evenings here, with her, was by far the highlight of my long, dreary and exhausting day.

Her luscious voice called out to me, beckoning me to her; "In the bedroom..."

I followed her voice like a lost dog.

The door was slightly adjacent. I lightly pushed it aside and stepped into the room. My eyes widened at the scene.

There were a few candles lit on the mantlepiece across the room, beside the large bay window. The curtains were drawn and the bed was unmade- the duvet pulled out. I frowned when I realised that the room was empty.

My gaze instinctively darted to the closed door of the bathroom. A light was shining out from underneath.

"Aurora?" I called out her name and waited patiently for an answer. It was so unlike her to leave the bed unmade? I knew by now that Aurora preferred to keep her little abode neat and tidy. She was painfully organised; something I rather liked.

"Out in a second!" She shouted from behind the door.

"Alright..." I felt like something wasn't entirely right. Why had she lit candles? Why were all the light off in the flat? Was she practising Blood magic without my supervision?

My gaze shot up and I knew that that had to be it. Gods, how many times did I have to tell her that she couldn't perform those spells on her own? Not yet, in an case. It was still to early in her training.

I unhooked my cloak and hung it over the coat hanger in the corner of the room. I kicked off my boots and placed them to the side- she'd fallen over them far too many times already. Once more, and she'd burn them.

I placed my hands on my hips when I heard the lock on the door unlatch. I was going to give her a piece of my mind. We'd discussed this before- no Blood magic when I was not present.

She could seriously hurt herself and no one would know. It was far too dangerous.

Aurora's safety and happiness was paramount.

The door opened and I didn't hesitate to make my disapproval known. "Aurora, I know that you're impatient, but-"

The words dropped from the tip of my tongue.

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