(30)Sweet Shadowy Dreams Part 2

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He was still fast asleep in my bed when I woke up from the laughter outside

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He was still fast asleep in my bed when I woke up from the laughter outside.

A few students had passed the residential suburb of the academy and their cheerful laughter had woken me from my deep sleep. I found myself entangled with him again, and just like the first night, I couldn't escape the rush of love I felt inside of me.

I loved being this close with him.

It was surreal the feelings he caused to surge within me- like a drum of electricity, beating a rhythm I somehow knew exactly how to follow. He made sense.

Last night, my heart had broken for him. My first instinct might've been to knock out the oddly polite intruder, who taps my shoulder to wake me up at two in the morning, but when I saw his face, all I wanted was to hold him.

Thanatos looked like he'd had a terrible night; his eyes bloodshot and his expression drawn down with so much stress and fatigue. He looked so unlike himself. That pained me; especially to think that before I came around, he didn't have anyone to run to like he had last night.

I found myself staring at him while he slept; the noise of the passing girls fading away into the morning sun. He was angelic. I doubted I looked anything close to beautiful while I slept, but somehow, and gods know how he managed it, Thanatos seemed to radiate beauty. I never thought a man- who was as manly as him, had dark stubble and looked like he could punch a hole in a cement wall- could look beautiful. But...

He did. Damn him.

His dark lashes didn't flutter, while he slept- he was clearly in a deep slumber. His plump lips called to me and I lifted a finger to trace them, but decided against it. I didn't want to wake him. His sun-kissed skin glistened in the morning light, detailing every muscle on his broad shoulders and arms. His bare chest was left uncovered. I felt somewhat ashamed at my unapologetic ogling, but who could blame me?

Thanatos was pure perfection.

It was a Saturday, meaning I had the day off. However, I doubted that the particular day of the week meant anything for the Emperor. He was constantly busy- constantly in demand.

So I let him sleep for as long as he wanted.

Unfortunately, I couldn't sleep any longer. It was past nine already and I was definitely a morning person. I needed to start my day and get busy, otherwise, I would feel like the day was wasted. Then again...

I glanced at him again.

Who can waste a day in bed with him?

I sighed softly and tried to shake the thought away; he needed his rest. It would be easy to seduce him, but perhaps later?

Slowly, I manoeuvred myself away from him and off the bed; careful not to move the mattress too much.

I froze when Thanatos moaned a bit and turned the other way, but relaxed when I realised that he was still fast asleep. My muscles loosened up and I walked to my bathroom to grab my bathrobe. It was silky and thin. I wrapped the silk belt around my waist and tied it to keep the robe in place. Quickly and quietly, I took my toothbrush and squeezed some toothpaste onto it. I closed the bathroom door, to prevent the noise from travelling to him. When I was done brushing my teeth, I ran a comb through my hair and just fluffed it up a bit, to make myself look a bit better- in case he did wake up soon.

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