(1)Shadowy Minds

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Shadowy Minds

The Pythia was a woman of power in our world

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The Pythia was a woman of power in our world.

She was described as the mouthpiece of Apollo- the foreteller of what was to be and what could be. She held power in her words, and as we all know, words were a dangerous weapon.

When Zeus had reigned as king, the Pythia was often seen as a corrupted tool, used for propaganda and a means to convey more good news than factual information. Zeus relied heavily on the oracle of Delphi to keep his subjects and mortals alike happy, naïve and fairly misinformed when it came to certain things.

For example, Thanatos once told me of an unfortunate event where Ares had lost his temper and had nearly eradicated a small nomadic settlement on the island of Kos. Zeus had told the Pythia to spread a rumour that the people who'd been murdered had angered the gods by defaming their names and the peace for which they stood- all in the hopes of increasing his son's popularity. Nothing could help Ares' popularity.

All in all, the Pythia was too tainted to keep for long. After some time, Zeus had replaced her with another, but this one, Apollo refused to lose to his father's influence.

The Oracle of Delphi was originally created and designed by Apollo, for himself and his servants, but naturally, such power intrigued his father. When the new Pythia was elected, Zeus agreed to take a step back, but in return, expected greater offerings for his own temple.

Apollo did what pleased the king at the time, which in turn, placed the Pythia back into the credible books of the public and reigniting the power the title once held.

For a long while after I had ascended to deity-ship, Thanatos and I had wanted to travel to the oracle, but Apollo had rejected our visits. During those years, we had no right to object him, but now that Thanatos was king, we were free to go and do as we pleased. The emperor had no right to keep us from Delphi any longer.

It did often interest me why Apollo didn't want me anywhere near the Oracle. Was it because he feared I was going to ask the wrong questions? Was it because I would ask her to spread my influence rather than his? Apollo and I were extremely close as friends- even as family now, with his marriage to Hemera- but he did react to certain things with a sense of suspicion.

I suppose that's what happens if you're best friend since childhood was raised to kill you in your sleep and his now married to your personal adviser. That was Apollo's choice though...

The rest was ours.

Most humans thought that the oracle was a mortal as well. In a way, she was. Her body was, but her mind and spirit was reincarnated every passing lifetime. Once Zeus had ended the previous Pythia's spirit with the help of the mages council, some of her memories had been placed into the psyche of the current Pythia. Apollo had insisted that it be performed. This was done in order to prevent the new high priestess from stepping into past blunders and potholes.

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