(25)Onyx Shades (Part 1)

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To say that we kept a close eye on the developments in the woods was an understatement

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To say that we kept a close eye on the developments in the woods was an understatement.

If it weren't for Apollo, I might've actually have worked a decent amount of sleep into my nights, but of course, sleep was for the weak- or so he said. I thought differently, naturally...

My light suggestion to steal away the artifact before Thanatos' team brought it back to Olympus was taken quite seriously by Apollo. He was adamant in finding this mysterious relic.

The reaper named Zaul moved between three excavation sites on a daily basis. One was located close to the edge of the woods- towards the village's side. If you stood on the ledge overlooking the area, you could faintly hear the music float in from the tavern not too far south. The second site was near the centre; close to the reaper base and where Zaul spent most of his time. No doubt, the second site was the one that they had most of their money on to find whatever the hell they were looking for.

And the last site, was near a waterfall, close to the mountain range that bled up towards the north side of the forest.

Apollo and I were seated above the cliffs of the waterfall, the sound of rushing water blocking most of what the reapers down below were laughing about. They were a small group- clearly an elite group of reapers, which made Apollo's suspicions grow.

No doubt he was right to think that this expedition was of high importance to the emperor. Thanatos wouldn't waste his time like this, nor his resources.

Whatever they wanted was top-secret and definitely something to pay attention to.

"Did you see the group of riders from earlier?" Apollo asked as he leaned his head onto his palm, his eyes locked on the reapers digging down below.

I frowned; "What riders?"

"When I was at the first site earlier, there was a couple taking their horses for a ride quite close to the excavation spot."

"And?" I turned my body towards him and listened with interest. Thus far no villagers had travelled out towards the direction of the forest or Fort Black.

Well, no one would, really...

Fort Black was supposedly 'haunted'- or so the villagers said. It wasn't, of course, but who in their right mind would want to hang around in Cronus' old palace? The place was massively huge, decrepit and not to mention utterly creepy.

Growing up, Zeus used to say that Fort Black was only good for two things- hiding away from your problems and a good ol' fashion cannibal party.

"The one reaper was watching them from the bushes. They passed by a bit too close, but luckily, the horse probably sensed something amiss and ran the other way."

"A good thing too," I added with a sombre look. "That reaper would have no problem taking them out if they got too close."

"Hmm..." Apollo sighed and glanced down at the two reapers digging. Zaul was no where to be seen. He'd left the third site a while back and was either rummaging around the second or first location.

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