(2)The Deathly Game

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The Deathly Game

The throne room was bustling.

To a novice, it might seem like a hoard of servants that were zipping around like lost, confused bees, but there was an order to everything that happened in the palace. There was order engraved in everything that happened in the empire.

Everything had a place; and everything was put in its place.

The headservant stood at the large entranceway of the throne room. The throne room of Olympus was by far the largest among the three. The Underworld had the second largest throne room, whereas Atlantis had the smallest. Granted, no one who laid eyes upon the great hall of Atlantis would ever describe it as 'small'.

Everything in Olympus was grander though. So grand, and often impractically giant.

The floor was made from white marble that had been polished until it shimmered and reflected like a mirror. Tall, colossal pillars lined the hall, all the way from the entrance to the throne at the end of the chamber. Oversized chandeliers made from crystal, gems and pearls hung overhead; gleaming in the midday sun. The throne room was open, not sealed off with walls or windows. The soft breeze from the outside moved freely in and out of the massive structure that stood on a marble base, atop the empire. The high ceiling was held aloft by thick archways and marble pillars; both embellished with gold and silver trimmings.

Similarly, gold and silver torches stood like guards beside the pillars, lining the pathway up to the throne with fire and warmth. The sun was high in the brilliant, blue sky.

Opis, the head of the staff and palace affairs, checked the angle of the sun. They need to start clearing out.

Opis nodded his head to the young protégé beside him- this was a gesture to get everyone out as quick as possible. The young man quickly sprang to action.

With silent eyes, the older man watched as the twenty or so servants all scurried to get the last few things in order before they left. A girl pulled the fine silks of the veils hanging from the archways straight, a young man filled the bronze ewers with just the right amount of red wine and an older woman swept the last remaining dust from the side of the stairs, leading up to the throne.

It was time.

Opis clapped his hands twice. That was the final warning.

The mass of servants quickly picked up their supplies, and everything else that had to be removed from the room, and rushed towards the side doors on either side of the entrance.

Opis heard the hard footsteps approach.

Just in time too...

He stepped aside and waited a few seconds on the left side of the chamber. In his hand, he held a filled chalice of dry red wine; it was at the ready.

Opis knew the emperor's schedule like the back of his own hand. The emperor would be returning from a battle. Not the usual kind of battle. No... The battle that he did not tend to enjoy.

A family battle.

And it sounded like the enemy had decided to accompany the emperor back home.

The great doors opened with a bang.

The emperor's face was drawn back with a tired-looking scowl and his dark red eyes were slanted; as if annoyed.

Opis held out the chalice without a second thought. Thanatos grabbed it from his hand without so much as a word.

He didn't have a chance really; the room was immediately filled with the emperor's mother's irritated voice. "Walking away when I speak to you will not solve your issue, Thanatos."

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