(13)Coercing Charcoal Rivers

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She'd done it again!

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She'd done it again!

She'd managed to piss me off in some stupid, reckless way and had disappeared before I could punish her accordingly.

This time, however, it had been my own fault that she'd gotten away with her insolent act. At that very moment, I had been so upset and annoyed with her continuous rejection, that I was happy to spite her in the only way I could- not provide her with the magic lesson she desperately needed to graduate.

Although, upon reflection, it was a rash decision.

My anger and temper had flared up and I'd reacted too hastily. Did I regret yelling at her? Not at all. She deserved it- she'd kneed me in a very sacred area. An area I made use of quite often. Then, she had the nerve to blame me for it her uncouthness. The cheek!

I was sat in the chamber at the back of the large, throne hall. It was a small chamber I used exclusively to complete my tasks and to conduct my personal and private meetings and consultations. The room was darker than the adjoining grand throne room; with dark, wooden features and a matt, black high ceiling. A glass chandelier hung from the centre of the rafters; elegantly positioned above the round table in the middle of the room.

The table was mapped out with all of my territories; pawns and markers laid out across the vast borders of the lands.

Instead of being fixed on the map of my lands, my eyes were glued to the horizon. The sun was setting slowly over the wide rim and a dark, foreboding cloud was creeping closer as the sunlight dimmed.

Later, a few hours after she'd left and the sun had dipped down to rest, Shadow had returned from causing a mess in the kitchen. He'd twirled around my chamber, his eyes frantically searching for something.

"What is it?" I'd asked with a tone that clearly displayed my horrible mood that night. Her abrupt departure had still been fresh in my head.

Shadow had made a chirping noise and gestured for me to show him where his new friend was, his claws forming the shape of a voluptuous woman. Aurora.

With a severely annoyed look, I snarled in reply; "She's gone and she isn't coming back."

Shadow had made a sad and disappointed coo; his eyes slanted down with sorrow. I paid no attention to it- he'd get over her absence, just like I would. She did not deserve our company.

I'd sent Shadow to go hunting- anything to keep him busy. When I was upset, he became agitated; my feelings of distress growing on him so quickly.

After I'd taken the throne, Shadow had more free reign to do as he pleased than ever before. He could eat whomever and whatever he wanted, so long as it didn't interfere with my business and campaigns. I'd noticed a slight shift in his attitude at first. He grew more frantic, more prone to restlessness.

Later, it had bloomed into a situation where Shadow couldn't sit still, unlike before, where he was mostly like an overgrown cat. He slept half the time and the other half, he spent with me; hunting, working, playing...

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