(45)Hell is a Jaded Black (Part 2)

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When Apollo entered the throne room he did not expect to see so much red

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When Apollo entered the throne room he did not expect to see so much red.

The sun was shining through a haze of clouds, reflecting the rays down onto the polished marble, which was no longer white. Instead, the pure colour had been replaced by a glossy, dark liquid. A red smear across the chamber, leading all the way up towards the throne at the very top of the stairs.

The young god narrowed his eyes to get a better look at what surrounded him; it seemed like a mess, when in actual fact, it was very clearly a massacre...

He held up a hand for Poseidon to stop at the entrance of the throne room. No wonder there were no guards to stop their entry. No wonder there had been no mages to detect their arrival in Olympus.

They were all here- dead. Laying in a pool of their own blood; mixing in with the blood of others.

Poseidon and Apollo turned their gaze to the middle.

It seemed like the entire throne was swimming in a sea of red. It sat high above; a beacon of some sorts, but definitely not of hope.

No. Hope had left a while ago...

The air was static, but not only with the sense of deep shock and horror, but also with the mere tensity of dark magic in the air.

Something was horribly and tragically wrong here.

A black boot tapped.

The sound echoed across the throne room.

A small chuckle- deep and dark. Hoarse.

"Thanatos." Apollo whispered, barely audible.

Their eyes found the dark, shadowy figure on the throne. It sat so still, so quietly, that they hadn't even noticed him. But he'd noticed them- oh. He'd been watching since the second the door creaked open.

They were in his sights and what a frightening place to be, because you see, every single corpse was there for a reason. There was only one reason. It was very obvious who was behind it. He was drenched in their blood.

Thanatos shifted in his seat ever so slightly. He lifted his chin and removed the dark hood from his head, revealing those blood eyes. Apollo nearly looked away, but that's what he would've wanted.

"You always did have perfect timing..." Thanatos said amusingly, referring his words to Poseidon.

The former ocean prince was standing, shaking beside his nephew. His hands shaking with the covered weapon. He was clenching his jaw tightly and his eyes were firmly locked onto his target. Apollo was unsure of whether or not this had been a very smart move to make.

The bodies on the floor said otherwise.

There was so much blood...

"Gods..." Apollo said softly and glanced around the room, trying his best to take into account all of the murdered souls. "What have you done?"

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