(44)Tinted to Black

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*Highly recommend this song whilst reading... 

The second I landed in Thanatos' new palace, I felt home

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The second I landed in Thanatos' new palace, I felt home.

I knew that I was safe here. That I was protected inside these high, marble walls.

My heart was still beating loudly in my ears and my chest was nearly vibrating with the speed of the beats, but I forced myself to calm down by kneeling onto the green grass in front of a large fountain. I dipped my hands into the pool of clear water and brought a small puddle up to clean my face. The water was cool and refreshing.

I breathed in a shaky breath. My arms pained from Ares' tight grip. No doubt he'd left bruises, but they would heal.

You're okay. You're alright. It was close. It was not final.

I knelt by the fountain for a good few minutes before I could feel the spasms in my chest and lower back subside. My body would be sore from Ares' mistreatment, but at the moment, the adrenaline coursing through my body was enough to kill anything else but that awful high. It rivalled everything else.

A few more minutes passed. I sat back against a wooden gate, which had ivy growing around the base and reaching all the way up. The flowers were lovely- pink and bright, with shimmering pollen.

The ivy crawled into the crevices of the wooden structure, as if it was slowly taking it's shape and completely trying to hide it beneath it's own green growth. It was swallowing everything in its path.

My mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry.

The sudden gust of a black portal caught me by complete surprise.

With a jolt, I was brought back to the reality of my situation and the meaning of a dark, abyssal-like portal. Thanatos stepped out from the sliver-flecked chasm and his eyes searched the gardens until they finally found mine with a desperation I'd never seen before. He looked tortured by fear. "Aurora!"

He ran. He literally ran towards me; his portal was still beaming behind him, standing upright, as if on command. Shadow appeared from inside and swished out. He ogled his master as his big arms enveloped me with a pleading embrace. "Gods! I am so sorry for leaving! I should never have-"

"It's not your fault." I shook my head against his shoulder and pushed back tears. "Please don't do that. Please don't think that this had anything to do with you doing your job as-"

"I should have been there, Aurora." Thanatos interjected and lifted his head to peer down at me. He scoffed, but it was in no way done in a comical manner. "I should have known she would try this."

I frowned deeply and pulled back a bit; "She?"

"Nyx." He hissed and his beautiful face turned bitter. He shook his head and I could see the pure disgust and hatred seep through.

Thanatos : The Black DawnWhere stories live. Discover now