(8)The Nightfall Theory

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"So, how's the food there?" Trita's voice echoed through my cellphone

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"So, how's the food there?" Trita's voice echoed through my cellphone.

"Uh... Good." I shrugged with a smile and giggled; "Did you really want to talk about food or are you running out of things to say?"

We'd been talking for about forty minutes now, both waiting for Sonya to finish her last class of the day at Ashbridge and arrive home to join the call. I'd phoned a bit too early, having misjudged the time. I'd been in such a rush to distract my mind from meeting Hecate for the first time tonight.

Trita chuckled at my comment. "Actually, I wanted to ask you if there are any hot, single Italians for me?"

"I was waiting for this questions. Surprised it took you-" I checked the minutes of our phone call on the screen. "-forty-two minutes to ask."

Trita scoffed and was about to reply, when a door in the background opened. She had me on speakerphone, while she was baking. Trita baking was already a frightening thought; I couldn't imagine it was going particularly well if she was concentrating on taking to me and measuring ingredients at the same time.

Sonya's surprised voice asked; "What are you doing?"

"Making a cake." Trita said with a deadpan tone. I could totally see her face right now.

"Why on earth- How bored are you?" Sonya asked with angst in her voice as she scurried to place her things down. I heard her move around as she no doubt began to clean up after the mess Trita had made.

"Oh, shush! Aurora's on the phone. Say 'hi'."

"Aurora?" Sonya said loudly and I laughed at her anxious tone. "Yes?"

"Did you talk her into this?" Sonya asked, clearly referring to Trita's new hobby.

"I had no part in it. I swear." I chuckled loudly and quickly asked; "Is the kitchen a mess?" I could only imagine how dirty their shared apartment looked. Poor Sonya.

Trita loudly interjected; "Hey! I'm not incapable of cracking an egg or two."

"Maybe you should try and do that over the bowl, Rita." Sonya said with a jab.

I laughed loudly as Trita grumbled; "Okay, so one broke. Sue me."

"How was class, Sons?" I asked. Trita was probably happy for the subject change.

Sonya sighed and her voice grew louder as she entered the kitchen. "It was alright. I had an exam, but I think it'll be okay. How are your classes?"

"They're good." I always tried to keep the details of my lessons here as vague as possible. They thought I was studying law, whereas I was really practising how to create a fiery ball of flame that can be shot from my hands. Slightly different. "I actually have to go soon." I checked the clock. It was almost time.

"Do you have a class now?" Sonya's voice was surprised. "Isn't it like nearly ten there?"

"No, I have a party to go to." I lied effortlessly and felt a knot form in my stomach. I hated how easy it was to lie to them now. "Just a small get-together at a new friend's house."

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