(27)The Moon's Sin

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I sat still on the lounge chair on my balcony, my eyes closed and my head hanging back against the pillow

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I sat still on the lounge chair on my balcony, my eyes closed and my head hanging back against the pillow. The night air was warm and sticky; the rain clouds from yesterday had left and were replaced with a humid flush.

Even though I hadn't moved from my spot in the chair for at least an hour, my mind was restless. It was running with thoughts, ideas and plans. It galloped through possible solutions to my dilemma, but even after such a long time trying my best and using all of my attention and care to find an answer, I couldn't. I couldn't for the life of me release her from my mind.

Why had the Chaos forsaken me?

I was never this spiritual, yet... She must've been a punishment, sent down to reprove me after all my wrongdoings.

A big sigh left my mouth and I opened my eyes to peer up at the night sky. It was filled with stars; bright and luminous in the dark sky. Like lights scattered across a black canvas. If only my mother was always this serene...

My conversation with Hemera yesterday bothered me most of all.

Was she right? Was I hurting Aurora through my actions as well? Was it arrogant to think that I had that large of an impact or effect on her, or was it naïve to think that I didn't?

Our situation was complicated beyond reason and I had no idea how it had even grown this far. All I knew was that I couldn't backpaddle anymore. That gap had passed a long time ago. The second our eyes met, I was doomed.

My head lulled back again and I ran a hand over my face in frustration.

Three days had passed since our last lesson. Three days had passed since I'd last seen her. Three days had passed since I'd promised her that I would contact her- soon.

Was she furious with me? I would've been if our roles were reversed.

Honestly though, I had no idea who I was even trying to fool at this point? I wasn't going to stay away from her. I wasn't going to move up my wedding. I wasn't suddenly just going to forget about her.

What are you doing? I thought and pulled myself up off the chair. I stood up and ripped open a portal on my balcony. You just wasted three days. You're an idiot sometimes, you know that? You should've realised that you're too weak to stay away.

It was late. I didn't care.

I was dressed down in a black shirt and pants, no armour and no weapons. I didn't care.

She was probably sleeping. I didn't care.

I wanted to see her.

The portal opened and I stepped out, into a dimly lit lounge area.

Donata Academy was a well-established and well-funded school. The bachelor flats that most of the teachers and lead researchers owned were modern, well-maintained and spacious. I looked around the living room of the chic flat.

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