(7)Raven Camaraderie

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The tavern was humming with people

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The tavern was humming with people. A cacophony of voices filled the large building and seeped out to the streets. The darkened night was lit up with fiery torches and glitter of fine gold in the moonlight.

Two older gentlemen moved through the crowds with agile feet and a clear intent. They were headed towards the bar, their thirst heavy.

The grey-haired man signalled to his companion to stay close while they made their way past hoards of people. It had just been announced that the emperor was to be wed. The wedding date was still a few months away, but the populace was reeling with excitement and anticipation. No doubt there would be a massive, glorious feast!

The two men reached the bar and the taller one loudly asked the barman; "Are there any rooms left?" He pointed up with his index finger, just in case the barman hadn't heard him properly over the joyous roar of the throng.

The barman was dealing out drinks like he'd acquired another limb- he moved fast. His eyes squinted at the two old men. "No!" He shouted over the noise.

The one man pulled a big bag of coin from his coat and smashed it onto the table. A few people close by were so shocked by the amount of coin that they turned in their seats to get a better look at the men. They didn't look nearly wealthy enough to be carrying that amount of money around.

The barman paused. He glanced at the coin and then back at the man who'd placed it on the counter. "Fine. Room seven. One night." The barman grabbed the purse and moved on to deal with his next patrons. From the side of the bar, he grabbed a set of keys and chucked it at the other man with the grey beard.

The stranger grabbed the keys and nodded.

At least coin was loud enough to be heard over this chaotic revelry.

"Come." The other man, with a black beard and long hair, gestured to his friend to follow him upstairs. Some patrons at the bar watched as the two men darted off to the room. What an odd duo?

They climbed the stairs and headed straight for room number seven. When they reached it, they unlocked the door and quickly scurried inside. The grey-haired man locked them both inside and instantly exhaled loudly. "Fuck sakes... That was way too much coin you just gave him!"

The other man snarled and shook off his heavy coat. "So what? We'll get more later. I just need to get this damned disguise off before I lose my mind!" The man threw his coat on the chair behind him and a faint golden light engulfed his body. The light grew brighter, until it completely drowned his body.

From the gold magic, another man emerged- far younger and far more attractive.

"Apollo." The grey-haired man sighed loudly and threw his hat to the side. A light took over his form as well, but his was a light blue. "We need to be careful. We can't just throw money like that around. Did you see those people looking at us when we left?"

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