*Chapter 123- Double Trouble Part 1/2

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Sunday, July 21st, 2013

***Let's get right into it, shall we? ;)***

Abel shoots up to a sitting position, and I stay frozen in place.

"I thought," Gordon starts, slowly approaching us, "that I told you," his steps are deliberate and intimidating, "to keep calm." He stops beside us, looking down disdainfully. "Can I not trust you two to handle such a simple task?"

I hastily stand and make my way to Gordon's side in an attempt to soothe him. He pulls me against him possessively, directing his attention toward Abel in wait of an answer.

"I kept my promise, Gordon. She doesn't know the question, but she got me into this position under the guise of playing truth or dare," Abel admits. "I tried to keep her calm."

"He did," I agree, coming to his defense. To a very frustrating level, he did. I was getting legitimately irked by his stalwart defending of whatever this question is.

"I'll deal with you in a moment, darling." He doesn't look at me, but a shiver runs down my spine.

I'm in trouble too, aren't I?

Gordon cocks an eyebrow. "Abel, you know how she is. Give her an inch and she takes all ten," he says. "You should've known better than to let yourself into such a vulnerable state."

"I didn't want to lose," Abel responds, sounding sheepish.

"Lose... truth or dare?" Gordon glances at me suspiciously, and I shrug.

"I mean, there's no rulebook for truth or dare, right? So I kinda told him that if he moved or said anything, he'd lose." Now it's my turn to look sheepish.

"You knew I was coming later on tonight." Gordon turns to face me, holding me in front of him with both hands on my shoulders. "Why couldn't you wait?"

I bow my head. "You've been holding back on telling me the question for days now," I respond, trying to keep from whining. "I was impatient, and I thought it would be fun to tease it out of Abel."

He continues to hold me, watching me carefully. I try to avoid his fixed stare by trailing my eyes down his body, from his slightly open black button-down shirt to his faded blue jeans.

Gordon takes either side of my face between his hands and forces me to look at his all too serious expression.

"I hope you had your fun, because I can assure you that I will not let this go unpunished, my sweet."

"I-" I sputter, feeling both apprehensive and turned on. "Yes, Sir," is all I can muster.

He releases me, and I push myself into his side like a cat seeking approval by curling my tail around his leg. Thankfully, he wraps his arm around me again as he faces Abel.

"So you weren't fucking her when I'd asked for you to wait?"

Abel shakes his head. "Never, Gordon. I honor our agreements, no matter how persuasive she may be."

Gordon moves his arm from around me to behind me, slipping his hand between my thighs. A full blush rushes to my cheeks as he runs his index finger across my dripping slit.

"Fucking hell, she's all worked up," Gordon groans, but instead of withdrawing, he slips his finger inside.

"I suppose we must work with the state you've allowed her to get to." He pulls his finger from me, rubs a firm circle around my clit, then takes his hand from between my legs and slaps my ass. "Go sit on the couch, love."

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