*Chapter 23- Answers

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Sunday, June 30th, 2013

The next morning we had the great honor of NOT being woken up early. I personally am the type of person who prefers to sleep until the ripe hour of 3pm or so, but I suppose waking up at 9:30am is the best I could hope for what with being surrounded by so many people with paper thin walls.

Taylor is laying in bed drawing on a sketchpad.

"What are you drawing, Tay?" I lean over in bed towards her.

She smiles and turns the drawing towards me. It is a cute little dog sketch, the pup is laying down in a patch of flowers.

"Oh, it looks lovely!" I grin, sitting up in bed.

"Thank you, (Y/N), I haven't had time to draw so I wanted to keep practicing before I fell out of practice." She taps the eraser end of her pencil against her temple. "Gotta keep the ole cogs workin'!" She giggles.

I look around the room and see that we are the only ones still in the bedroom. I am amazed that I managed to sleep through everyone else getting up. Yawning and stretching, I ask Taylor if Ramsay has started calling people for meetings yet.

"Oh yes." She stops sketching and considers my question for a moment. "He's talked to about a third of us so far. I think Gail is with him now."

Does that man ever sleep? I think to myself, wondering how early he'd started calling people in.

"I'm gonna head out and get some breakfast made, do you want anything Tay?"

"Oh, no thank you, I already ate some cereal. I just wanted to hang out where there weren't a lot of people when I was drawing. I don't like it when people try to creep on my artwork when I'm not done yet," she pauses. "Of course I don't mind sharing with you! Just, not other people." She waved her pencil at me as I leave the room.

Still wearing my night outfit of a white t-shirt and blue shorts, I amble into the main room. About half of us are wearing our day clothes while the others are still in pajamas. There is a small group of people sitting on the couch together– Garrett, Dave, Jay, Bella, and Gina are all chatting away. Bella has her legs thrown over Dave's lap and is leaning back into the arm of the sofa laughing loudly at anything he says. Dave's hand is resting on one of her bare legs. I roll my eyes and go to the cupboard to pour myself some cereal.

"Ohh, look who's finally awake!" Bella shouts from the couch, leaning on one elbow to face me.

"Yep, just trying to get some extra Z's while I can," I say back, sitting down at a bar stool outside of the kitchen with my cereal in hand, not looking at her. Abel is to my right, reading a thick book. Pietro is in the kitchen humming as he cooks up some sausage.

"We were all discussing what we'd talked about with Ramsay when he called us in. He's much kinder when he's not having to deal with us fucking up." Bella laughs, putting one arm around Dave's shoulders.

"He even showed me a few things," Bella says, obviously looking for jealousy on my face. I still don't look at her but I can't help myself responding,

"Oh yeah? Did he show you how to be less of a drama queen?" I ask.

Dave laughs a bit, to which Bella scrunches up her face and removes her arm from around him.

"No, but he did show me how to properly tell the doneness of steak. He showed me where on my hand I could feel to compare to the steak. It really was quite informative." Her eyes glint impishly.

"I'm glad he could spare the time to teach you the basics, I certainly wouldn't have wasted his time with something as simple as how to tell when the steak is not mooing," I retort.

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