Chapter 12- Reminiscing

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

The limo ride home is difficult for both of us, it seems. Once again, I am seated a ways away from Ramsay, and tension electrifies the air between us. He is still talking with everyone else, being his regular limelight-loving self, but I can feel him watching me whenever he has the chance to look. I, on the other hand, have a bit more of an excuse to be watching him like I am.

Gina nudges my arm from beside me.

"You know, if you have trouble removing the dress tonight, I can help you."

The dress is no issue for me to take off, but I consider what Ramsay had told the other girls when we'd arrived back at the table.

"Yes, alright, please just help me pull the zipper and I'll do the rest when we get to the dorms." I placate Gina, who likely is just looking for an excuse to get to spend more time with the dress.

Gina smiles at me and then turns back to watching Ramsay.

"This is just the beginning, everyone. Someday when you make it big as a chef, you'll be spending every day trying out new and delicious foods," he pauses. "Having experience with many different types of food can only ever help you in a kitchen environment. One thing I have worked for during my career as a chef is to never be unsure of what I can do with an ingredient. Every chef should be prepared to make something extraordinary from what is available to them. Be thinking of that."

Just as he finishes speaking, the limo pulls into the parking lot.

"Welcome back to Hell, ladies!" Ramsay says as he opens the limo door and helps each of us out once more. When I place my hand in his, my body flushes with warmth. The tiniest of smirks flits across his lips when he releases me.

After we are all standing outside of the limo, Chef Ramsay addresses us.

"Be sure to rest up for tomorrow as you will have a long day of prep and eventual service to handle at the end of the day. Don't be afraid to help each other and please, oh please, make my job easier. I'll be having a rough enough time trying to mold the blue team into something more resembling chefs as opposed to a stable of donkeys." He laughs along with the red team.

We all walk into Hell's Kitchen once more. Ramsay walks with us to the steps leading up to the dorms.

"Goodnight, ladies," he says as we filter past him. I am not last in line, so I don't get a chance to linger behind with Ramsay as I had been hoping. Not wanting to draw attention, I merely say "goodnight" to him when I walk past, straining to not be too suspicious.

"Sleep well, (Y/N)," he says softly as we pass each other.

I can feel him looking at me but I know if I look back I will betray too much emotion in my eyes. With Bella in front of me and Red behind, I don't think it is safe to do, so I keep my eyes on Bella's blonde head bobbing up the stairs. "You too, Chef."

Most of the women are ready to sleep by the time we make it back. The men are already in bed, it seems. Only Abel is awake, sitting at the long wooden table and still reading his recipe book. Curious, I make my way over.

"Hey Abel, why aren't you sleeping?" I ask.

Abel's clear blue eyes flick up from the page to meet mine.

"Oh, I don't really need to sleep as long as," he pauses, then emphasizes, "most people."

His eyes steadily lock onto mine, appraising me with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Really? That will be really useful here when you don't know what sort of nonsense will wake you up next. Clowns? Trained attack dogs?" I smile, feeling as if I am under a microscope.

Abel returns the smile but says nothing. His fingers play with the corner of the recipe book as if itching to turn the page.

"Sorry if I was interrupting your study. I'm headed to bed now." I say sheepishly.

"No bother at all, (Y/N). I hope you had fun tonight." His eyes break from mine finally as he takes in the rest of my outfit. "You look great," he adds casually.

"Thank you," I say as a smile creeps onto my face on my way to the bedroom.

The lights are off, but I can see Gina sitting cross-legged on her bed. She wordlessly motions for me to turn around. I do so, and she pulls the zipper for me. Graciously, I curtsy. She giggles in response, then nods towards the closet, one of the few places you can get changed without a camera watching.

After removing my dress I fold it carefully and place it back in my drawer. I wear a shirt and shorts to bed just in case we are called to duty in the middle of the night– a common occurrence in previous seasons of Hell's Kitchen.

As I lay in bed, slowly creeping thoughts of what Ramsay and I got up to seep into my mind.

Aside from the inevitable steaminess of my memories, guilt consumes me. Taylor reminded me that he was married, and I have always staunchly despised cheaters. Swore that I will never stoop to their level. I can't understand why you wouldn't leave your partner if you weren't satisfied. Now here I am, stealing sensual moments with another woman's man. My stomach turns. At least we hadn't gone too far... we hadn't even kissed...

Then I remember how Gordon had asked me if I was single. Why would a cheater bother with if I was taken or not? It doesn't really make sense that he'd care for the emotions of some unknown potential man over how his wife of fifteen years would feel.

As confusing as everything is, I still can't help the deep part of myself that responds to everything Gordon asks of me. Each time I listen to him, each time I follow his direction and get his praise it feels unbelievably wonderful.

Confusing thoughts of lust and uncertainty circle in my head wildly until I become dizzy enough to fall asleep.

Confusing thoughts of lust and uncertainty circle in my head wildly until I become dizzy enough to fall asleep

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