Chapter 66- Elimination

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Friday, July 12th, 2013

In the dorms, both teams separate off into different corners to discuss who will be put up for elimination. My team manages to nab the comfy couch spot first– Kalyani and Abel sit in the armchairs while Dave and I sit on the couch.

"I thought we did fine," Dave starts.

"Well, the customers didn't think so, and now we're here." Kalyani frowns.

"Ninety-five percent is good, guys. You know how people are, nothing is ever good enough unless it's perfect and we did have a few slow patches. People like to complain," Dave says with a shrug.

"Why did you get called into the pantry?" Kalyani asks, turning to look at me.

"I was a bit distracted and let my porkchop sauce burn. G-" I catch myself before I finish saying his name, "Chef Ramsay wanted to know what was wrong, is all. I picked up from there and finished strong."

Kalyani readjusts in her chair. I wonder if she caught my near-slip. "We need to look at the problems we had today. So, (Y/N) burnt some porkchop sauce, what else happened?"

"From what I recall, Dave had an overly-dressed salad," Abel mentions.

"He also forgot to turn on the burner when he was on my station," Kalyani adds.

Dave huffs. "Guys, come on. One salad? One little burner? I wasn't that bad!"

"Well, it is hard to mess up as a floater, yet you still managed to," Kalyani casts a glance at Dave.

"Easy to talk crap from the garnish station," he retorts.

"The garnish station that you had a mistake on!" Kalyani grimaces.

"Stop arguing, we'll end up hating each other and if none of us get eliminated, we'll be worse off for having fought," Abel interjects. "Dave did struggle on the meat station when he took over for (Y/N), didn't he?"

I look over at Dave, who appears mildly upset. "Yeah, there was some confusion when I got back."

"My vote is for him, then," Abel concludes.

Kalyani nods in agreement. "Yeah, Dave is my vote too."

"I guess that makes three," I finish.

Dave's lips become a thin line. "Then my vote doesn't really matter."

It hurts me to see him upset after how happy he was today. I'm about to reach over and pat his back when the phone rings. Abel is the closest to the phone this time, so he stands and picks it up.

"Of course Chef, we're on our way. Come on, everyone."

Abel nods in the direction of the stairs. Both teams stand and follow him. Taylor looks over at me with a frown, shrugging her shoulders dejectedly as her team whisper-argues with each other down the stairs.

We line up and wait as Chef Ramsay approaches the front. He clasps his hands together and his eyes trail across both teams.

"Has everyone come to a decision?"

The blue team nods. The red team takes a moment to settle down their whispers before they nod.

"Right then, Kalyani. Your nominee and why please?"

Kalyani clears her throat.

"Chef, we decided to go with Dave. He had some trouble with his salad earlier and when he floated between stations, he wasn't very helpful."

Bella gasps. I look towards the sound and see that she's anxiously watching Dave.

Gordon curls his finger at Dave. "Come forward, young man."

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