Chapter 89- It's a Bird, it's a Plane, it's a... Radish?

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Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

"Up, up, up and at 'em!" Christina's voice startles me awake from bed.

"Chef Ramsay needs you all downstairs in fifteen minutes, chop chop!" she announces as Tay cracks open the dorm bedroom's door.

"Yes, Chef," Tay responds groggily, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "You guys heard that?" she asks, turning towards the room.

Assorted groans of acknowledgment flit through the air.

It doesn't take me long to get dressed, donning my chef outfit has become second nature at this point. Abel waits for me at the top of the stairs.

"Are you ready? I have a feeling I know what this challenge is," Abel says as we walk down the stairs together.

"As ready as I can be," I respond, watching his free hand that isn't linked with mine trail delicately down the railing. "What do you think it is?"

"Taste it now make it," he whispers. "I'm nearly certain. It always comes around about this time."

When we reach the bottom of the stairs and pass through the kitchen, Gordon is waiting with a big grin on his face.

"Morning, chefs!" he cheerfully greets us.

"Morning, Chef!"

"Is my black jacket team ready for their first dinner service as a team coming up tonight?"

"Yes, Chef!"

"Perfect, before then, however, I have a challenge for you. Are we ready to hear it?"

"Yes, Chef!"

Gordon tilts his head to the side. "Raise your hand if you've ever played Pictionary."

Everyone but Red raises their hand. What does this have to do with cooking, I wonder? I glance over at Abel, who shrugs slightly.

"For those of you who haven't played, I'll give a quick run-down. I'm going to give you a word, and I want you to go up and draw it. The first person to guess what it is you're drawing wins a point. Each of you will have one drawing to make, so the person who guesses the most drawings correctly will win. Got it?"

"Yes, Chef!"

Chef Scott comes out from the curtain to the right of the dining room, holding a large white notepad like the one we'd used to write our menus on for the red vs. blue challenge. He places it to the right of Ramsay and backs away.

"Everything we draw will be food related, just a heads up. Bella, come here my dear." He motions for her to approach. Bella steps out of line and up to Ramsay, who leans down and whispers something into her ear.

Bella uncaps the black marker Gordon hands to her.

"Ready, Bella?" Gordon asks.

"Yeah," she responds, holding the marker over the blank paper.


Bella presses the marker to the paper, making a circle.

"Shout out what you think it is, don't wait turns just say what's on your mind!" Gordon prompts us.

"A potato!" Taylor shouts. "No, wait, a pancake! Or... a waffle?"

Bella draws what appears to be a leafy sprout over the top of the circle.

"A circular carrot?" Red says, confused.

I look over at Abel again, but he's staying silent, concentrating on Bella's drawing as she draws a squiggly line coming out of the bottom.

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