Chapter 127- The Finale Part 2/5

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

"(Y/N), are you OK?" Abel's worried voice reaches me from where I've frozen halfway hunched over staring at the pregnancy test. I swiftly grab it off the floor and stuff it back into my pocket.

"Y-yeah! What are you doing back here? What about the competition?" I ask as I flush the toilet and straighten my head chef jacket.

"I've told you before," Abel says, his voice closer, "fuck the competition."

I open the door to the bathroom stall and peer out to where he waits with concerned patience at the entrance of the restrooms.

"You're what matters to me," he says, his eyes looking me over carefully as I emerge. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, sorry, I don't kn-" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Don't be sorry. It isn't your fault. Chef Ramsay found that Garrett used expired bacon fat in the scallop dish."

I glance at his lapel, where his tiny microphone is pinned, and then back to his eyes. Both Abel and Ramsay have built me a cover story. All I have to do is follow along.

"Yeah, it was disgusting," I say, hoping to convey my understanding of the situation with a look only my men would understand.

"Are you going to be able to continue?" He asks, stepping into the shared bathroom as I hurry to the sink and wash my hands.

"Oh yeah, I'll be OK... As long as I don't get sabotaged by my teammate again," I respond while I dry my hands. I rush to the door where Abel waits, but am stopped by his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm glad you're OK, sweetheart." He pulls me into a tight hug, and as he lets me go, he kisses my forehead. "Let's get you back in action."

I take his hand and we take the steps two at a time together. My strength is renewed with each step we take, and by the time we reach the kitchen and part ways with a quick peck on the cheek, my stomach problems are the furthest thing from my mind.

"(Y/N)!" Gordon shouts as I enter my side of the kitchen. He strides toward me and takes my hand in his without a moment of hesitation. "Are you quite alright, my darling?"

My cheeks flush at the concern in his tone and the gentle squeeze of his strong hand encircling mine. His intense gaze drowns out the small thought of 'what will people think'. I know my team is watching me while they cook, but I can't see anyone but him.

"I'm alright, Chef. Ready to get back to winning," I say.

Gordon beams. "Good girl, I knew you'd be back." My face feels even hotter as he continues to hold my hand while turning to face the app station, where Garrett is intensely focused on his empty stove top.

"I left the trash for you to deal with. If it were up to me, I'd shove a fucking pan up his ass sideways and send him home. But you do what you feel is best. It is your kitchen, after all." Gordon releases my hand and nods toward Garrett, who still hasn't lifted his head.

Gordon is letting me show him what I would do with an unruly chef. A chance to display good decision making in the face of major conflict is rare. And I know just what to do.


"Euh?" He mumbles.

"Look at me."

His eyes flash from the stovetop to my face, then back down. What did Gordon say to him? He acts like he's attended his own funeral.

"Garrett, look at me and don't look away. Now."

Slowly, Garrett lifts his eyes. "What?"

"Are you done? Is shit all you can produce? Are you not only incompetent but also a dangerous liability in the kitchen?" I let my questions simmer in the air for a moment. "Well?"

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