Chapter 131- The Outspoken Truth

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

Rather than taking us through Hell's Kitchen, Gordon leads us around to the back. The rapidly darkening twilight shrouds a nearby alleyway where an unassuming black SUV is parked.

"The crew are like vultures," Gordon starts as he opens the passenger door of the SUV for me. "They heard what Kalyani said, and of course they saw us in the office, so if we went back through there, we would've had no hope of making our scheduled time."

Gordon takes the driver's seat and Abel slides in the back. Gordon must've gotten our things packed, as the trunk of the SUV holds both of our suitcases.

The paparazzi have caught wind of drama; the front of Hell's Kitchen is buzzing with people and cameras. Thankfully, only a few notice us, and they're too late to slow us down. Gordon peels out onto the main road and weaves through traffic skillfully, making sure they can't hop in their cars and find us.

"Are you alright, Abel?" I ask when Gordon slows to a more reasonable speed.

"My father doesn't take to change well. Once we show him we can make this work, he will come around."

"I'm sorry that he had to find out through Kalyani." I grimace.

"He was not going to accept it, no matter how he was told. I know my father; nothing but time will convince him."

"Then we'll give him time," Gordon says. "He'll come around."

"Abel, did you and Gordon plan the engagement?" I ask.

"I asked Gordon before I proposed, and we proceeded to plan exactly when, yes," Abel responds.

"How did talking to Gordon about it go?" I ask, curious.

"I'll tell this if you don't mind," Gordon says, to which Abel gives the go-ahead. "Abel came to me during the morning on the private plane while you were still asleep. He asked me if he could marry you and if I would allow him to ask you after the winner was chosen."

A smile plays across Gordon's lips as he glances at Abel in the rearview mirror. "I wasn't surprised. He's a romantic, and once the notion of love strikes, there is no stopping it."

"Of course, I thought it was a lovely idea. Not only do I know Abel will make the perfect husband, I also thought it would make getting the both of you to the UK a lot easier. Normally, emigrating to the UK without a job in place is nearly impossible, and I couldn't offer a job to the second-place chef until a year after the show airs due to the contract you've signed."

Gordon taps the wheel cheerfully. "I didn't know who would win, but I played around in my mind a thousand times how it would go. All I knew was, either way, I needed you both. And this way, neither of you would be left stranded while going through the agonizing visa process. When Abel asked about proposing, it was like he presented the solution on a silver fucking platter." Gordon laughs.

"The only factor was you, sweetheart. I know you love me, but I can't lie and say I was confident you would say yes," Abel admits.

"When you asked, I went through a thousand thoughts," I say, turning back to face him. "But all I knew for sure is that you and Gordon are my family, and it only makes sense for us to be together."

Abel gives such a genuine look of happiness, it makes my heart feel light.

"I hope we aren't late," Gordon says, glancing at his watch and speeding up.

"What are we scheduled for exactly?" Abel asks.

"I got us set up for an interview. A tell-all with a well-known podcaster; both video and audio will be broadcasted. I didn't want the live audience or TV restrictions of a talk-show host to complicate things. A podcaster interview will give us the chance to explain before all hell breaks loose."

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