*Chapter 11- What we did in the Dark

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Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

The red team hurriedly rushes into the dorms and open their drawers to pull out whatever nice clothes they'd brought with them. I fling open my drawer to find a neatly folded black dress that wasn't previously there. There is a small card tucked into the velvet belt of the dress. I sneakily pick it up and lay the dress in my lap, with the card between the folds of the silky fabric.

"If you've won today's challenge, please consider wearing this tonight. I used the measurements from your jacket sizing to pick it out for you. If your team has lost, it's still your gift to keep."

I feel butterflies flutter in my chest as I hide the card then lift the dress in front of me. It is stunning, made of silk and tied with a belt of velvet in the middle. The velvet belt came to a soft and charming bow in the back, while one side of the dress split in an alluring but elegant fashion to expose just a little leg. I'd never owned anything nearly this beautiful before. A few of my teammates notice the dress and come over to check it out, and Gina's eyes bug out of her head.

"Oh my God, (Y/N), you didn't tell me you had access to high-end fashion designers!" she shouts.

Confusedly I look at the label. Temperly, it reads. Gina squeals even higher.

"Temperly! That's a top British fashion label since like, 2000! I am so jealous!" She touches the dress and swoons.

Gordon must have spent a pretty penny to buy this dress for me and have it delivered so quickly. Did no one else get a dress? A quick look around the room confirms my suspicions, I'm the only one with such an extravagantly beautiful new outfit. He's spoiling me already, and I can't help the heat that rises in my face. Why is a married man spending so much on me? I try to stifle my blushing as I nod to Gina then take the dress into the bathroom to change.

I emerge just a few minutes later, looking more dazzling than I thought I would in my life. The red team are all dressed up for the occasion, but I surely steal the show with this outfit. I consider for a moment how silly it is that Gordon had me dressing so nice just to go to a restaurant where nothing could be seen, but who am I to complain?

We make our way down to the entrance of Hell's Kitchen, and then to the front of the limo. Gordon opens the door for us and helps us inside. He looks strikingly handsome with a fine fitted black dress shirt and matching pants. When it is my turn to enter the limo, his eyes trail up and down my body.

"You look absolutely magnificent, love," he declares.

"T-thank you, Chef," I mutter as I try to hide my flushed face as I enter the limo, using his hand for balance.

Unfortunately, I am not seated next to Ramsay. Even more unfortunately, Bella has found a way to scoot as close to him as possible. She is wearing a bright blue, short, strapless dress. And I am fairly certain she has foregone wearing a bra.

I try not to let it bother me. After all, he hadn't bought her a dress.

"Excited, everyone?" Gordon asks, leaning forward.

"Yes, Chef!" We respond eagerly.

"Excellent, you're going to love it, ladies. I've been to Dining in the Dark quite a few times, and each time is just as fun as the last. The worst part was learning my way around, so if anyone needs help getting about just let me know, yeah? I've been through enough busted shin-pain for the lot of us." He grins.

Dining in the Dark is only about twenty minutes away. Gina, who is on one side of me, keeps touching my dress and holding part of the fabric between her fingers. I know it probably excites her very much as she seems very fashion-conscious, so I don't make a fuss about it.

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