Chapter 51- The Ninth Dinner Service

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

I wanted to see Gordon's family enter, but since I'd been tasked with helping with appetizers I stay focused.

"First ticket, four covers table twenty-three. Two herb risotto and two scallops!" Gordon shouts.

"Heard!" Red and I both acknowledge the ticket then get to work on the risotto.

Taylor calls me over after a few minutes, "Hey, (Y/N), can you work on these scallop orders? I think someone misplaced our prepped cedar planks..."

"Of course, Taylor, go on and find them I'll make sure these get out perfect." I nod to her.

Taylor takes off to the back of our kitchen and I can hear her fumbling with things. I turn my attention to the scallops and make sure they're cooking evenly.

"Ready to walk?" Red asks me, holding up her risotto pan.

"Yeah, go on, I'm right behind you!" I call out, then follow Red to the pass with my scallops.

When I slide them down next to Ramsay, he checks them carefully.

"Excellent work as usual, (Y/N)," Gordon praises me, not turning his eyes away from the plates.

"Thank you, Chef." I beam as I return to the fish station.

Taylor makes it back after a few more minutes, hauling the cedar planks that had been soaking in salted water for the last two hours.

"Someone stuck this container under a sack of freakin' onions!" Taylor mutters angrily as she stores the cedar planks under the fish station.

I head back to the appetizers station and work on the assorted appetizers until Gordon heads to the pass to announce our first entrees.

"(Y/N), out to the dining room you go. Be sure to listen out for the tickets, yeah? Jean-Philippe will show you to the table chart so you know where you're going. Hurry on, now!" Gordon shoos me from the kitchens.

I tie a fresh apron around myself so I look presentable, then head to meet with Jean-Philippe and the blue team member who's been chosen to serve the blue team's table-side kebabs.

Already I see Dave pouring over the map of the kitchen tables. Jean-Philippe waves me over and directs my attention to the layout.

"These tables here are yours." JP indicates the tables I'll be responsible for on the map. "Be sure to serve each table in accordance to the number of the table that Chef Ramsay calls out from the pass. If you get confused, this map will be here for you.Be sure you don't serve the other team's table. I can't tell you how many times I've been embarrassed having to move someone away from a table that clearly has the opposite team's colored plates in front of them." JP sighs.

I nod to JP, then take my cart and wait for Gordon to call out where I'm needed. As I wait, I scan the tables. The first thing that catches my eye is an almost uncannily similar blond mop of hair sitting at a booth near the kitchens. It has to be Gordon's son, Jack. My suspicions are confirmed as I lock my gaze to the familiar brown eyes of Tana at their booth. Her eyes crinkle with a smile.

"Table thirty, four covers, two shrimp kebabs, two vegetable kebabs, and two steak!" Gordon's voice breaks me from my eye contact with his wife and spurs me to action.

I quickly glance at the map to be sure I'm headed to the right table, then push my table over to where there is a young woman, her husband, their teenage son, and their baby daughter.

"Having a good time?" I strike up conversation with the guests.

"Oh yes!" The woman smiles. "It's so fun watching you cook. My son loves to watch Hell's Kitchen with us. The censored version, of course!" She laughs as her son rolls his eyes.

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