Chapter 103- Vegas Heat

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Friday, July 19, 2013

I sit on Gordon's lap facing him as he undoes the silk rope ties from my arms. He reaches the knot binding my hands and unties it slowly, bringing the inside of my wrists to his lips and kissing them as he tosses the silk aside. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close, burying his face beside my neck. I cling to him tightly, my cheek resting against his shoulder. We hold each other for a while, enjoying our closeness.

"We need to hop in the shower, I should be rushing right now. I've yet to make breakfast," he mumbles into the soft flesh of my neck, one hand toying with the ends of my hair.

Light beams in through the windows across from us and the bedside analog clock's dim red numerals read six-ten.

"Alright, we can take a fast shower," I agree, grinning as Gordon lifts me from his lap by the waist, setting me down beside him.

"Not before you open your gift, love." He stands and takes the package from the armchair I'd tossed it in, handing it over with a smile before taking a seat beside me. I cuddle up against his side eagerly.

"Ooh!" The gift box is white with a red ribbon, reminding me of the velvet ropes. I untie the bow and pull the lid off the box.

Behind a layer of tissue paper lies a neatly folded yellow sundress. I hold it up to the light for a better look. Small golden flowers tress up from the bottom, a v-neck dips in front, and the sleeves are short and sweet. Sunlight filters through the dress ever so slightly, which gives off an almost ethereal glow. The tiny golden flowers catch the light, twinkling.

"It's beautiful," I marvel at the dress as Gordon wraps his arm around my waist and squeezes.

"It's nothing compared to you, but I'd still love it if you'd wear it today. Vegas gets scorching hot and I didn't want you to be uncomfortable." He leans in towards my ear with a wry grin. "Knickers are optional."

I blush, giggling at the word 'knickers'.

"Now, let's hop in the shower. I have to be quick so I can start breakfast, but you stay as long as you need."

Before I can move, he stands and picks me up bridal style while the dress is still clutched between my fingers and carries me to the door. He cracks it open and peers outside.

"Abel is on the couch in the living room reading," he whispers before pushing the door open stealthily and sneaking into the bathroom with me. I peek over his shoulder at the couch, catching a glimpse of Abel's eyes. My face flushes even deeper red as the bathroom door swings shut. He sets me down on the tile flooring and locks the door as I start the shower and set my gorgeous new dress beside the sink.

We step in together under the warm water. Gordon hurries to get clean, avoiding getting his already-styled hair wet. When he's finished he pulls me into his arms from under the water stream and kisses me deeply before sliding the shower door open and stepping out with a "See you soon, love. I can't wait to see what you look like in that dress." He wraps a towel around his waist and heads back into the bedroom to retrieve his clothes and the evidence of our time together.

I stay under the water a while longer, savoring the feeling of the water stinging my reddened marks. When I emerge, I dry my hair then pull the dress over my head. It comes to above my knees and reveals enough of my chest to be sensual but not overtly so.

I smile at myself in the mirror. Gordon sure knows what makes his woman look incredible, doesn't he? I take a precursory glance around for underwear and, remembering I forgot to bring a pair with me to the bathroom, shrug. Gordon had more than hinted at wanting them absent, so why not?

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