Chapter 36- July 4th Part 1/4

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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

I wake up around 8 am to the sounds of breakfast being made. Stretching my arms out over my head, I yawn. It sure is wonderful that Gordon gave us a day off in the middle of the week. I feel excited to find out what he has planned for us today.

Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I amble into the kitchen area. Bella, Dave, Pietro, Kalyani, and Garrett are lounging around on the sofa while Abel and Shaun are both sitting in the armchairs reading. The book Abel is reading looks different than the one I'd seen him with a few days ago. Did he finish that thick novel already?

Spotting Taylor, Red, and Gina sitting at the bar, I scoot in on Taylor's free side with a smile.

"Hey! You hungry? I made some eggs and toast. Here–" Taylor gets up and piles a plate full then slides it across the bar table to me and takes her seat again.

"Thank you, Tay," I say cheerily as I begin eating.

Red peers over Taylor's shoulder at me with a frown. Her eyes are finally not puffy from crying after last night's elimination. "I can't believe Gail is gone. Just like that..."

I put my toast down and shake my head, sighing. "Yeah, I thought for sure Bella would be out." I lean towards her and hold up my hand to one side of my mouth, "How many lives does this catty bitch have anyway?"

Red covers her mouth to stop herself from spitting her food out and happily kicks her feet that dangle off the side of the bar stool.

"Do you have any idea what we're going to be doing today?" she asks after she manages to swallow her food.

I shrug as I chew my toast. "No clue, Red. Have the sous chefs made an entrance yet? I might have missed it. It seems like I sleep through everything," I say.

Taylor shakes her head. "Nope, we haven't seen either of them yet."

As if on cue, Christina peeks her head up from the stairs.

"Pssst!" she says from the stairwell, catching my and a few other peoples' attention.

I tilt my head to the side. "What is it?"

"Y'all wanna go swimming in a bit?" She grins.

Taylor jumps up from her bar stool, alerting everyone else to Christina's presence with her joyous response. "Heck yea I do!"

Christina snickers. "Great! Gordon has picked out a nice rooftop swimming pool for you all." She leans a bit further into the room, "It even has an open freakin' bar!"

We look excitedly at each other. It feels like we've won yet another challenge, but this time we don't have to worry about an elimination at the end of the day!

"Has everyone remembered to pack a swimming suit?" Christina shouts to us.

We all nod and shout back, "Yeah!" to her. Once she knows for sure that we've all got something to wear, she claps.

"Great! Just so you know, you won't need to wear your mics or worry about being on camera. Chef Ramsay just wants everyone to have a nice, relaxing Fourth of July. Meet us downstairs in ten minutes and wear your swimsuits under your clothes, alright?"

"Yes, Chef!" we happily respond to her. She waves before she walks back down the stairs.

I clear off my plate then rush to the dorms to pull out my swimsuit. It's a white bikini with gold chains on the sides of the bottom piece and across the center of my chest on the bikini top. Nothing too flashy but not entirely plain either. I pull on a light blue tank top and some shorts over it before I head downstairs to the kitchens.

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