Chapter 132- The Grand Reveal Part 1/2

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

"Good evening everyone, and thank you for joining us on the 'Outspoken Truth' podcast!"

Jeff gestures to our seats beside him.

"I'm your host, Jeff Townsend, and tonight we have some very special guests; Chefs Gordon Ramsay, Abel Bormann, and (Y/N) (L/N). As most of you already know, this episode will be focused exclusively on unraveling the rumors surrounding these three talented individuals who've arrived here fresh off the set of Hell's Kitchen. Let's dive right in, shall we?"

He turns to face Gordon.

"Let's get one thing straight; (Y/N) is, without a doubt, your girlfriend, yes?"

Gordon grins. "She is."

For good measure, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me against his side, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Feeling a surge of affection, I seize the opportunity and gently turn his chin, capturing his lips with mine for a brief but undeniably passionate kiss. As we break apart, a boyishly handsome grin plays across his freshly kissed lips.

"Well, I'd say that action spoke more than a thousand words," Jeff says to the camera. "And I can't help but notice you didn't flinch, Abel. Am I correct in saying you proposed to (Y/N) a mere hour ago?"

Abel, his expression softening with affection, nods. "I did, and it was the most incredible moment of my life."

Jeff leans in. "And that display of affection from your fiancée didn't bother you? Not even a little bit?"

Abel's eyes lock with mine, a small smile forming on his lips, and a look is shared between us that only we understand.

"Not at all," he responds as he turns to Jeff, his voice filled with sincerity. "I love to see her happy. Gordon makes her happy, and we have a deep respect for one another. So, why would I be bothered? Seeing her happy is what matters most to me."

"Wow (Y/N), how did you manage to pull this off?" Jeff asks, genuine wonderment in his tone.

"Honestly, it all kind of fell into place. It feels like the universe conspired to bring us together," I say, my voice filled with gratitude. I look at Gordon then Abel, my heart fluttering in my chest. Everything feels surreal, but our love is undeniable.

Jeff nods, captivated. "Indeed, it seems destiny played a hand in your love story. So this relationship between you and Gordon has been going on since the start of filming, or did you know him before then?"

"I actually met Gordon on the set of Hell's Kitchen. From the moment our eyes met, there was an undeniable connection," I explain. "Sometimes when you meet someone, you just know."

"Wow, so things moved pretty fast. I am correct in saying that you had cameras and microphones on you at almost all times?"

"We did," I affirm, a playful smile tugging at the corners of my lips, memories of clandestine moments flashing through my mind.

"So how in the world did that work?"

A mischievous sparkle lights up Gordon's gaze as he leans in, secrecy lacing his words. "There are plenty of ways around surveillance, Jeff," he says playfully, his tone hinting at a wealth of shared escapades. "But we wouldn't want to give away all our secrets. Let's just say we became masters of finding moments away from the prying lenses."

I giggle, and quickly try to hide it by ducking my head, causing Abel to laugh as well. Gordon can't help but join, and Jeff follows, laughter filling the room. The genuine camaraderie shared between us becomes palpable, an invisible shield that kept our connection intact despite the conflicts surrounding us.

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