Chapter 17- Our First Punishment

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Friday, June 28th, 2013

Cleaning the kitchen took the red team about an hour to finish. Sous Chef Christina was watching over us as we worked, making sure we didn't miss anything. Once she determined we had made everything spotless, she dismissed us to the dorms to change out of our chef jackets while she went to get Chef Ramsay for the second part of our punishment.

As soon as we make it to the dorms, Bella turns on Cindy, her eyes flashing with anger.

"You FUCKED us over Cindy!" she bellows, jabbing her finger into Cindy's chest.

Cindy puffs her chest up and shoves Bella back.

"Yeah? So fucking what bitch? It was a fucking accident," she hisses through her teeth. "Don't act like you ain't screwed up too!"

"Well, when I did screw up it didn't make our entire team lose! You're such dead weight it isn't even funny anymore. I used to laugh at you for how much of a waste of space you are, but now I just feel sad when I look at you," Bella sneers, her words thick with vicious hatred.

A look of genuine hurt crosses Cindy's face before she recovers.

"At least I ain't the one throwing my pussy at anyone who gives me a lick of attention!"

Bella's sneer deepens as she responds,

"At least I can get a man or three. When was the last time a man touched you? Not including when the doctor pulled you out of your skank mom's cunt."

Unable to speak, Cindy sputters in a rage. She erupts and flings herself at Bella, grabbing for her hair.

Bella sidesteps Cindy and trips her, causing Cindy to fall on her face. This doesn't deter Cindy one bit, as she grabs Bella's ankle and yanks her to the ground. Cindy pulls herself onto the thrashing Bella and claws at her, tearing her chef's jacket open.

Bella yowls as she tosses and turns under Cindy, her manicured nails ripping at Cindy's jacket and face in a frenzy.

Gina has seen enough, she rushes over to the brawl and tries to separate the two combative women. She helps each to their feet after she manages to pull Cindy off of Bella. Both of the angry red team members glare at each other before Bella make another lunge for Cindy!

Thankfully, Gina grabs the back of Bella's chef jacket, restraining her just in time. Bella allows herself to be held back, shrugging free of Gina's grip and finally calming down enough to where she doesn't personify a boiling kettle.

"You're out next, Cindy. You won't fuck us over any harder than you already have. I'll have you eliminated if it's the last thing I do," Bella threatens, before turning towards the bedrooms while removing her chef's jacket.

Cindy definitely took the brunt of that fight, while she heaves for breath I notice her face has Bella's claw marks down one cheek. Kalyani comes to Cindy's side and places one dainty hand on her shoulder.

"Come on Cindy, let's get you ready for the next part of the punishment," she says calmly, helping Cindy to the bathroom.

The rest of the red team goes into the dorm bedroom together and change out of our chef's jackets. Bella is the first one out of the room, flitting past everyone then down the stairs without a word.

When Cindy and Kalyani emerge from the bathroom, we go down to the back door of Hell's Kitchen together and walk outside.

There, we are greeted by Ramsay holding his arms open in the air. Behind his raised arms to his left and right are two garbage trucks.

"You ladies are in for a long, smelly day I can tell you that." Ramsay grins, then signals to the garbage trucks to dump their loads.

Slowly and sickeningly, slop and mush tumbles out of the trucks. The stream of rotten trash doesn't seem to stop for a straight minute. When the garbage trucks finish unloading, they drive off and Ramsay walks towards us.

"Ladies, today you'll be separating out plastics, papers, and organics into each of the labeled bins to your right. Then, you'll hose down our parking lot so it doesn't look filthy. Finally, get showered and come back down to prep the kitchens for dinner service tonight."

Ramsay looks at each of us, then notices Cindy's scratches. With a worried expression, he approaches her, concern in his voice. "Cindy, what happened to your face?"

Cindy raises her hand to her cheek then shakes her head. "Eh, it's nothing Chef. Don't worry about it."

Ramsay squints, peering at her cheek. He then looks at each of the women again and makes eye contact with Bella. Bella hastily looks elsewhere and hides her hands behind her back. Ramsay clicks his tongue before backing away from Cindy.

"If you ever want to tell me what really happened, Cindy, you're welcome to visit me in my office. As for right now if you are alright, I'm getting out of here. It stinks to high hell. Good luck, ladies!"

Gordon opens the back door, waves to us then goes back inside.

The next three hours pass in a sickening wave of heat, stink, and heaving. More than once I feel like I am going to throw up picking through the sloshy mess of gunk. The awful smell burns into my nostrils. I feel like I took bath in sour milk and my skin is crawling from sheer disgust.

When the garbage is finally sorted, Gail and Red take to handling the hose and spraying down the parking lot. The rest of us get a head start on the showers.

No matter how hard I scrub or how much scented shampoo, body wash and conditioner I use, the smell of rotting garbage still clings to me.

As I towel dry my hair I have a thought– I likely won't have a chance to spend one-on-one time with Gordon, so at least he won't be disgusted by my stink.

When each of us finish showering, we don our chef's jackets once more and head down to the kitchens to begin prep for dinner service.

About two-thirds of the way through prep, the blue team returns. They are each wearing a Lakers jersey with matching hat and holding a goodie bag. The boys walk through the kitchens where we were prepping, chatting loudly about how great the game was.

Garrett pinches Red's side as he walks past, eliciting a yelp. He laughs and continues past her to the dorms. Red looks furious but doesn't say anything as she continues prep work silently.

We finally finish prep as the blue team makes their way down wearing their chef's jackets once more. Gordon arrives at the head of the kitchen and waits for us to line up.

"Alright everyone, in case you didn't know, only about half of our services will be aired on television. I will still pick a winning team, of course, but there might not be an elimination. Now, this does NOT mean you get to be lazy fucks, the things you do in each service may be aired at any time. Please perform like the winners I know you want to be."

With that said, Gordon turns away from the kitchens.

"Jean-Philippe, please open Hell's Kitchen!"

"Jean-Philippe, please open Hell's Kitchen!"

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