*Chapter 114- Two Miles High Part 2/2

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Saturday, July 20th, 2013

*We're starting where we left off, here's your warning!*

Abel sits up beside me and caresses my thighs with his fingertips while Gordon takes a seat by the side of the pillow my head is resting on, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I can't believe this is real," Abel mutters, looking over my body with barely contained disbelief.

"Which part?" Gordon asks, grinning.

"All of it, honestly," Abel responds, his eyes trailing up and locking onto mine.

"Imagine how I felt meeting someone I could finally trust. (Y/N) is more than one man's dream girl, it seems," Gordon muses.

"She is," he agrees, smiling gently before running a knuckle along my cheek.

I blush, dipping my head and feeling heat emanating off me as Abel takes over where Gordon had been moments earlier, positioning himself between my legs with his arms on either side of my body. He lowers, pressing the underside of his shaft against my clit and running his length slowly between the lips. It slides easily back and forth, tantalizing me with his closeness.

I don't have to keep him outside of me, and my body knows it. My hips respond to his motions, trying each time to dip him lower. This time, when his head reaches my entrance, I slide myself onto him before he moves again. Abel drops to his elbows, his forehead resting against me and his hair tickling my chest.

"I'm never going to get used to how this feels," he says, moving his hips slowly. Though I can appreciate a build-up, Gordon has already gotten me to the point where my body demands more. I lace my fingers through Abel's hair and pull him to my lips, where I kiss him fervently. As I had hoped, he can't help himself from picking up his pace.

"Darling, would you mind changing positions?" Gordon asks. I look over at him and notice that he's once again ready for my attention.

"How do you want me?" I ask between huffs of breath.

"All fours, I'll sit against the headboard."

Abel pulls from me and I quickly flip around on my hands and knees. Gordon slides into a seated position in front of me and I bend to take him in my mouth, at the same time offering myself to Abel. This new position provides even tighter sensations, and I moan against the silky skin of Gordon's cock.

"Fuck baby, that's good," Gordon says with admiration, locking a hand in my hair as I bob. Abel grips my hips and pushes himself into me while my arms tremble against the powerful waves of pleasure coursing through me.

"So eager," Gordon teases, taking my nipple between his fingers and squeezing. I buck up as a jolt travels through my body at his touch, lodging Abel even deeper inside. I squeak as I am stuffed, and Abel lets out a hiss between his teeth, his fingertips pressing into my sides.

I rock with Abel's motions, pouring attention onto Gordon. With determination, I work my way down his shaft. I take a while, but eventually I get most of him down my throat. Tears bud in my eyes and I look up at him through my lashes. His head is resting against the headboard, his fingers tight in my hair, and his chest rising and falling in euphoria. I stay for as long as I can hold my breath before releasing him and gasping as his massive thickness dislodges. While my throat recovers, I trace my tongue along either side of his length, reveling in the gratification that radiates off him.

I grip Gordon's gleaming cock in my hands and sit up on my knees, Abel kneeling behind me so it feels as if I'm sitting on his lap. I gyrate my hips as I work my hands on Gordon, determined to keep him as excited as possible. I love to see how he twitches in my hands, and cupping his balls in my palm makes him gasp. Meanwhile, Abel slips his hands across my torso until they reach my breasts, gently massaging them. His head dips, trailing kisses between my shoulder blades.

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