Chapter 49- Dorm Discussion

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Monday, July 8th, 2013

When we get back to the dorms, we all get changed and make dinner. The blue team probably ate already but we still make a few extra portions in case, since it's already 9pm and they will be returning soon.

In sticking with our tradition of simple meals that don't dredge up memories of being reprimanded by the Chef, we go with making tacos.

As I'm draining the fat from the beef, the blue team arrives at the top of the stairs and filter their way into the room, some of them heading back into the dorm bedrooms to put their assorted goodies from the trip away. Dave carries a large stuffed Toothless plush from 'How to train your Dragon' with him. The plush is as big as he is, and the tail drags on the ground behind him. He silently heads into the kitchen and walks over next to Bella, who's chopping lettuce. She stops chopping and raises her eyes to meet his with a curious look.

"Hey, Bella," Dave begins hesitantly, then holds out the stuffed dragon. "I won this and I thought you might w-" his words are cut off by Bella's squeal of joy. She drops the knife with a clatter onto the chopping board and flings herself at Dave, who barely manages to catch himself from falling backwards as she wraps her arms around his and the plush dragon's shoulders.

"I love it! Thank you, Dave!" she squeaks some more before planting a huge kiss on his lips.

Dave smiles and closes his eyes, then wraps his arms around her back and pulls her tighter to him.

Taylor peers at me from where she's prepping the tomatoes and grins. It looks like her intervention won't be needed this time.

Bella pulls back from Dave with a smile spreading across her face. She takes his arm and leads him to the couch, setting the Toothless plush beside herself so that she can snuggle up to Dave's arm.

I can't hear what she's saying, but Dave's expression tells me all I need to know.

He goes from smiling, to straight-faced, to his eyebrows almost disappearing into his ruffled brown hair. He takes her arm and asks something, to which she nods and begins blushing.

While all of this is happening, I'm reminded of the fact that there have been mics and cameras on this entire development as it's been happening. This season of Hell's Kitchen is going to be a freakin' doozy for the audience.

Eventually, Dave kisses Bella's cheek and heads towards the men's dorm, his hand rubbing the back of his neck absentmindedly. I was able to see a small smile on his lips before he disappeared into the dorms. Bella takes her plush dragon into our dorm and comes back out looking chipper. She returns to her lettuce and smiles at us, and for the first time we all return her smile. Gina gives her two thumbs up and hops in place. Bella laughs and flips her hair over her shoulder before resuming chopping the lettuce.

We finish making dinner and everyone sits down to eat at the table. Dave and Bella sit next to each other, and Dave's hand rests on her thigh. Maybe things will be alright for them.

The boys and Kalyani all talk about their adventures at Universal Studios, and for once I don't feel jealous. Today was important in bringing the red team together. We'll hopefully have a much better chance of winning dinner services now that we're united. I smile as I chow down on my tacos and listen in on the surrounding conversation.

"Did Chef Ramsay go with you guys?" Red asks, setting her half-eaten taco down.

"Na, he did see us off though. After we got loaded up to head to Universal Studios, a woman drove up next to the entrance in a nice sports car and he got in with her. Pretty sure it was his wife," Shaun responds.

At the mention of Tana, my eyes involuntarily shoot up from my food and lock onto Pietro's, who raised his head to meet my gaze at the same moment. I quickly avert my eyes, and thankfully Pietro doesn't call me out. I'll have to be extra kind to him so he feels no reason to say anything to anyone.

The conversation eventually drifts to the rides that the blue team went on, and dinner finishes up at about nine-thirty.

Getting a good nights sleep seems like a good idea, so I get ready for bed as soon as I put my plate up.

As I'm brushing my teeth, Taylor approaches me at the sink.

"Kinda crazy, you know, the thing about Bella today." She begins putting toothpaste on her toothbrush.

I nod, then spit out my mouthful of toothpaste. "Yeah, it is. I hope her and Dave can continue to get along. For Bella's sake. It was nice that she finally stopped being catty and tried to get along with us for once."

Memories of my own thoughts on having Gordon's child dredge up from the back of my mind. I could've very well been in a similar position to Bella right now.

Would Gordon even want another kid? He already has four. I had never considered having a baby until now. I guess I've never been with anyone I thought to be good father material, so it never came up. Maybe I should ask a hypothetical 'do you ever want more kids' question to Gordon to see how he responds.

"(Y/N)?" Taylor's voice sounds at my side.

"Huh?" I ask, trying to focus on her.

"You kinda spaced out there. Are you alright?" Taylor pries.

"Oh? Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about how crazy the last few days have been," I respond, trying to clear my head.

"They're only gonna get crazier," Taylor muses, rinsing off her toothbrush.

As we get closer to the black jackets and closer to having to reveal my secret relationship to the world, I know what Taylor just said can only be the truth.

As we get closer to the black jackets and closer to having to reveal my secret relationship to the world, I know what Taylor just said can only be the truth

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