Chapter 74- I'm His, He's Mine

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Sunday, July 14th, 2013

My breathing is ragged as I struggle to move. Gordon pulls his chair to the desk and sits. He wraps his arms around my waist and sets me down in his lap, facing away from him.

We sit together with his arms crossed across my stomach for a few minutes, both of us catching our breath.

Gordon pulls me back to rest my head against his shoulder.

"I love you, (Y/N)," he whispers into my ear.

"I love you too, Gordon." I grin, my eyes still half-closed in a dreamlike state of absolute pleasure.

He runs his hands up and down my sides then pauses and his eyes dart to a clock over the entrance doors that I'd never noticed.

"Did you know it's almost eight o'clock?"

My spine tenses. Eight? Surely everyone else will be up by now, and if they're not, they will be soon.

He continues to run his hands across my body. It's soothing, but not enough to calm my racing heartbeat.

"I have to get going or there will be more questions than they'll have already," I try to keep a frantic tone from my voice.

"Just tell them you were with me." Gordon shrugs.

"With you... doing what?" I respond, unable to keep an incredulous look off my face.

"Say you had a nightmare and you came to talk to me and tell me about it. You'd done the same before, so, understandably, you would do so now." He kisses my shoulder blade. "Say that we talked it over, then carried on to other subjects like cooking techniques since we had some time before everyone else would be up. I doubt anyone else was up earlier than an hour and a half ago, so that's believable enough."

I sink back into him, relaxing. That is a good excuse indeed. Thank goodness he is smart enough to think these things up while I spend my time panicking.

His fingers glide up and down my thighs. The tantalizing and slightly ticklish touch gives me shivers.

"That was really hot, by the way."

"Hmm? Which part?" I hum contentedly, my fear of being caught dissipating after hearing his excuse.

"All of it. You turn me on like mad, you know that?" he whispers in a strained voice as he squeezes my thighs.

I grin, keeping my eyes closed but raising my hands to run them through his hair behind me.

"Oh yeah, I know, Sir," I tease.

Gordon turns my shoulder into his chest and lifts my legs from the ground, laying me across his lap with my legs dangling over the right arm of the office chair. His eyes twinkle as he runs his fingers across my back.

"What do you do up here while we're prepping?" I lean my head into his chest just under his chin and wrap my arms around shoulders.

"I plan the menu, coordinate rewards, punishments, special guests and so on. It takes more effort than one might think to make sure this show happens properly. We've had problems with guest Chef flights on so many occasions, I'm surprised I haven't gone mad from scampering about trying to remedy the situation."

"That doesn't sound like much fun," I pout.

Gordon chuckles. "No, that part isn't. But I do very much enjoy Hell's Kitchen and helping aspiring Head Chefs to flourish. And if I hadn't done this, I would have never met you," he finishes, a boyish grin gracing his features.

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