Chapter 43- Mrs. Ramsay

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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

The anxiety of realizing Pietro knows more than I had thought has been hitting me hard. I couldn't sleep very well last night. The only time I managed to not be anxious was when I was ironing Chef Ramsay's jackets. I imagined myself at his home, helping him get ready for work. It felt like a perfect scenario until I finished and was forced to face the fact that my stay at Hell's Kitchen has become even more precarious.

When I sit up, I remember that Chef Ramsay had asked to see me. I rush to get dressed in my white t-shirt and grey leggings. I skip breakfast since I'll have the whole day to prepare a nice, filling lunch.

Taylor and Pietro haven't returned yet from their overnight stay at their treehouse, and I'm thankful to not have Pietro's now uncomfortable presence around.

Bella is sitting on the couch alone this morning. She's rolling a rubber band around in her hand, playing with it absentmindedly. When I step outside of the dorm bedroom, her eyes shoot up to look at me. They look red and bloodshot as if she's been crying. Dave isn't anywhere around her.

She doesn't say anything, she just glares at me before looking back down at her rubber band.

Red spots this exchange from her seat at the barstool where she's enjoying breakfast and shrugs.

I head down through the kitchens and find myself in front of Chef Ramsay's office. I try to ignore the tingling feeling in my limbs as I knock on the door.

"(Y/N), is that you?" Gordon's voice comes from behind the door.

"Yes, Chef," I respond.

The door cracks open and he pulls me into his arms before closing the door behind us. He dips me and I giggle as he kisses my lips. My lashes flutter open and I find myself making upside-down eye contact with an entirely new set of eyes.

Hurriedly, I try to stand up and straighten out my crumpled t-shirt. Gordon helps me stand and wraps an arm around my waist comfortingly.

"(Y/N), I'd like you to meet my wife, Tana," he introduces me without any hesitation.

My skin burns where he's touching me, and my lips tingle where he's left his kiss. Tana's deep brown eyes appraise me from her armchair seat, roaming up and down my body.

"She's cute, Gordon," Tana breaks the silence with her simple statement. The corners of her eyes crinkle with a nearly invisible smile.

A blush travels up my neck and to my cheeks. Gordon grins.

"I knew you'd think so, she's definitely the cutest contestant we've had on Hell's Kitchen, hands down," Gordon agrees.

"But you didn't choose her just because she's cute, did you?" Tana asks as she tilts her head, causing her long, brown hair to tumble elegantly down her shoulders.

"Of course not. She's intelligent, kind, perceptive, and trustworthy. She's a mean cook, one of the best. And she listens to me very, very well. I've never had to tell her anything twice," Gordon praises me as he squeezes my waist to himself appreciatively.

Tana pushes herself up from the armchair and crosses the distance between us in a few strides.

"Good to meet you, (Y/N). I hear you've been taking care of my husband for me while he's working, yeah?" she asks with a smile, which is the only thing that gives me enough confidence to respond.

"Y-yes Mrs. Ramsay," I blush harder and find myself staring at the carpet.

"She's shy, isn't she?" Tana laughs before reaching out and taking my hand. I look up when I feel the sudden contact of her smooth fingers against my palm.

"Please, dear, call me Tana. It's a pleasure. Gordon gushed about you for a while when he called me up to ask me to come to meet you," she says as she shakes my hand. I look up and lock eyes with her. She's got a warm but calculating look on her face and the same sparkle in her eyes that I see Gordon with occasionally.

"Sorry, of course, Tana. It's good to meet you too," I pause before hesitantly adding, "thank you for what you've allowed Gordon to do. I-I-" I stumble on my words.

"You what, dear?" Tana asks, letting go of my hand and taking a step back to give me a bit more space. Gordon does the opposite and pulls me even closer to his side to where my hip is pressed against his.

I take a deep breath and steady myself, finding comfort in Gordon's touch. Then, words I never in a million years would have guessed myself to say tumble forth from my lips. "I've fallen in love with him. I never could have had the chance to do so without you allowing him to pursue me. I'm so, so grateful," I finish, struggling to maintain eye contact with her amused look.

"She's just like me, Gordon. She's fallen for you right off the bat. You do tend to have that effect on women, don't you?" she muses, turning her twinkling gaze to her husband.

Gordon grins and rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well, you know, I do know how to turn on the charms when need be," he leans down and kisses the top of my head, "and when I saw her I knew I'd need to lay the charms on extra-thick," he purrs.

Tana laughs and shakes her head.

"Typical Gordon, such a cheeseball," she teases. "Go on then, spend some time with your new lady, I'll see you tonight after you're done here," she winks before passing us both.

Gordon stops her by catching her upper arm and pulls her into a kiss, still holding me against him. A whole mess of complicated feelings tangle up in my chest as she sighs into his lips before breaking the kiss. She waves to me then heads out the door to the office.

 She waves to me then heads out the door to the office

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