*Chapter 102- Owned

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Knock knock.

A light rapping against our bedroom door wakes me in the grey light of the early morning.

"Who is it?" I ask sleepily.

"Guess who, darling," Gordon's unmistakable voice shoots nerves through my body, waking me up in an instant.

Abel is already awake when I turn towards him, holding me against his side with one arm.

"Do you mind if I-"

He shakes his head. "Go on, I'll see you later." He winks and releases me from his side.

"Thank you, Abel." I kiss him on the lips once, twice, three times, drawing out a smile before I move from the bed and answer the door.

Gordon stands in the doorway holding a large, flat gift box. He's wearing a grey long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his muscular arms along with faded blue jeans. His eyes widen when he takes in my lack of a top.

"Good morning love, your choice of attire is quite breathtaking," Gordon says softly as I shut the door behind me.

"Thank you, you look dashing as well," I compliment as I take his hand and pull him towards the adjacent bedroom before anyone can see, closing the door behind us.

"I've been missing you. I got you something to wear for today if you'd like." He hands over the box.

"I've missed you too," I say as I take the box with a sweet smile. "Which is why I'll look at this later." I toss the box into a nearby armchair and leap into his arms, burying my face into his chest and engulfing myself in his masculine scent and strong embrace.

Gordon laughs, carrying me to the bed where he seats me gently. I place my hands on my knees, gazing up at him.

"Did my little vixen have a good night last night?" He asks, unbuttoning his shirt slowly. I reach out to try to hasten the process, but one look shows me he wants me to be patient.

"I did," I say, my face heating as the top of his chest is revealed.

"The production crew seemed quite taken with the fact he is... was a virgin?" Gordon cocks an eyebrow, his fingers now halfway down his shirt.

"Is. He asked me to wait."

"Did you want to wait?"

"... No." My face is flushed red, but I force myself to keep eye contact.

"Surely something must've happened, how could he resist you like this?" Gordon finally finishes unbuttoning his shirt and reaches a hand forward, squeezing my breast and sending delightful sensations through my body. "Tell me."

"Uhm." I press my fingers into my knees. "When we first arrived and were waiting for room service, we talked... about you. Us. What will happen when we come out as a couple."

Gordon shrugs off his shirt, throwing it beside the gift box before reclaiming my breast as he waits for me to continue.

"He kissed me, and I-" I swallow, preparing myself. "I climbed into his lap and showed him what making out is. I told him he could touch me anywhere he wanted and I showed him how to undo my bra, but room service interrupted us."

"Were you disappointed?"

"Yeah, but you've got me all worked up. I almost expect more out of sexual contact because of you," I pout.

"Poor you." He grins, pinching my nipple and sending shock waves through me. "Take your panties off as you explain how you ended up topless, yeah?"

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