*Chapter 107- Rolling Double

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Friday, July 19, 2013

We ascend the steel steps up into a roofed walkway containing steel barriers that wind like an amusement park line the way to the loading dock. Gordon pays for our tickets before meeting us back in line. There are a few people ahead of us, and another group of drunken men file in behind us, giggling and shoving each other.

The first empty pod approaches and the group in front of us pile in. A few minutes later, our ride comes along. The Ferris wheel doesn't stop but continues moving slowly, its doors sliding open. A young man waves us towards the pod after collecting our tickets, and we follow his open palm towards the capsule.

Inside, the pod looks like a set piece from a sci-fi film. A tall steel arch bends from one end to the other, where the arm that attaches it to the wheel extending from the center. Where the arch meets the floor, red plastic seats encircle the steel. Along all sides run windows that encase us in a futuristic glass orb aside from the steel arch, the floor, and the ceiling. On either side of the ceiling, four LED screens beam bright images. Two showcase graphics of the wheel itself, one displays a 'Thank You for Riding!' note, and the last has a 'watch your step' warning.

As we slowly pull away from the loading dock, Gordon points up to the center of the ceiling. "That right there is a three hundred and sixty-degree camera." I peer towards where he's indicated and barely make out the tiny black dot looming over us.

"What do we do about it?" Abel asks.

"Simple. You're tall enough to block us if we sit down, so all you have to do is stand," Gordon takes his shoulders and moves Abel in front of the camera, halfway between it and the red plastic seat, "there."

"Easy enough," Abel shrugs.

"Really? That's it?" I ask as Gordon takes a seat.

"Indeed it is." Gordon grasps my hand from behind, pulling me to sit with my back to him. "Look up, the camera is completely covered."

I flush at the nonchalant way Gordon gathered me in his lap before looking towards the camera's location. As I try and fail to find it, Abel flashes me a smile. I find myself smiling back as Gordon's hands move from the seat to my thighs just below my dress.

"Still comfortable?" Gordon inquires, pressing a kiss onto my neck as his fingers toy with the hem.

"Mmhm," I nod, my eyelids fluttering.

"Can I help you get your dress off?" Gordon asks.

"Can't the people in the pods around us see into here? Wouldn't that be too risky?" I wonder aloud, my brow furrowing.

Abel shakes his head. "So long as you stay around where you are, the metal beam covers you. I can't see anything past the beam on the other pods."

"Then I guess-" I start.

"May I?" Abel asks. "Help you with your dress, I mean."

"Oh." My cheeks flush. "A-alright."

"Can I step forward and still block the camera, Gordon?"

"I think as long as you remain standing– or in the very least bending at the waist– you can get as close as you like. Well, as close as (Y/N) is comfortable with, that is," he adds.

Abel steps towards me, but instead of reaching for my dress, he cups my cheeks in his palms and bends down, kissing me gently on the lips. He pulls back, but only barely, before whispering a soft, "Thank you."

*Another hefty helping of smut coming up! Boy, we're getting spoiled, aren't we? ;)*

His hands run from my cheeks to my hips, where he carefully takes the fabric in his deft grip and lifts it over my head. He sets my dress on the seat beside Gordon and me before raising to his full height and stepping back to the center of the pod.

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