Chapter 111- Chum the Waters

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Saturday, July 20th, 2013

"We're here!" Gordon announces. My eyelids crack open and I raise my head from Abel's shoulder as the Hell's Kitchen trident comes into view. "You'll need these," Gordon says, handing out our clip-on microphones.

I don't remember much of the flight nor the subsequent ride back to Hell's Kitchen, as I spent most of the time trying to catch as much extra sleep as I could. I do, however, remember being disappointed that Gordon opted to not sit next to me on the flight back to dissuade anyone who might have seen the gossip. I know that Gordon was trying to be careful, but a part of me ached for the comfort of his being close to me regardless of what others would think. A silly and childish part, sure, but a part nonetheless. Thankfully, Abel let me rest against him so I didn't feel as bad as I might've had I been left by myself.

Gordon helps everyone out of the SUV before leading us up the stairs and through the familiar hallway towards the dining room, where we line up and face him. The pittance of extra sleep I'd managed to get is a lifesaver as my brain slowly but surely kicks into gear. Today is going to make or break my stay at Hell's Kitchen, and I am determined to be the best I can be in the face of it.

The camera crew that wait like vultures as we arrive swarm around the perimeter of our talk with Gordon. I don't see Janice with them, but she has to know about the picture. I hope Gordon can get to her before she can get to me...

"Welcome back to Hell, everyone," Gordon announces, grinning from his place in front of the kitchens. "Later on tonight, you'll face one of our toughest challenges yet, but I won't spoil the anticipation by telling you what it is. Instead, I'd like to direct you all to the dorms."

He sweeps his eyes over us. "No, not to dilly-dally, but to clean! They're absolutely filthy, and it would be quite rude to leave a mess after two of you are unable to help the two left behind. You'll find cleaning supplies upstairs. I want the dorms to be spotless by the time I call you down for the challenge, yeah?"

"Yes, Chef!" We respond.

"Good. If you finish early, feel free to relax– though I'll doubt you'll be able to, considering what is to come," he says ominously before rubbing his hands together. "Chop chop, then! Get a move on!" He waves us away.

We head towards the back of the kitchens. He gives the slightest of nods when I pass, and I look over my shoulder as I reach the double doors that Abel holds open for me. Gordon approaches the camera crew, saying something I can't make out. God, I hope he can get to Janice quickly. I cast a silent, anxious glance at Abel before taking his hand, following him through the hallway, and climbing the staircase to the dorms.

"Did you have a good trip?" The saccharine voice of Janice asks in a sing-song tone when we emerge at the top of the stairs. My blood runs cold. If not for Abel's strong grip, I might've stumbled on the last step.

Don't look guilty, don't sound guilty I remind myself. Easier said than done.

"Yes, of course. Any time spent together is always enjoyable," Abel responds smoothly.

"Lovely! Would you two mind interviewing about your time there? As you know, Chef Ramsay had us leave after you left Gordon Ramsay Steak," she says with an exaggerated pout.

"Later. Chef Ramsay needs us to clean the dorm before service tonight," Abel says.

"Then I'll take one of you at a time," she says, her eyes flashing to me hungrily. "So the other can stay and help, of course."

Bile rises in my throat, and my face must look pale. Abel runs his thumb along my hand delicately.

"You'll have to ask Chef Ramsay if any of us can be spared, that'd be up to him," Abel responds.

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