Chapter 68- Slumber Party

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Saturday, July 13th, 2013

"You're having a slumber party and I wasn't invited?" Taylor questions as she pouts, rousing me from my sleep.

"Eh? Slumber party?" I ask groggily, cracking my eyelids open.

Just behind Taylor, who's leaned over me, I can make out Abel snoozing in the armchair across from me, his bare torso rising and falling steadily and a book laying open face down across his thigh. Now that it's brighter in the room, I make out a thin trail of blond hair running from his navel to the top of his sweatpants waistband.

Last night comes rushing back to me. The dream. The crying. Ruining the sheets.

My eyes flick back to Abel. His embrace, though short, felt incredible.

"I just realized you're under a blue sheet from the men's dorm, did you two get up to something?" she asks with barely contained intrigue as she looks over at Abel. She then shakes her head.

"Na, he wouldn't have been reading if something had happened. Unless you bored him to death," she teases, her brown eyes crinkling with a smile. She then leans closer.

"Though I wouldn't blame you had you tried." She giggles.

Her giggle wakes Abel, who snaps to attention, not looking the least bit tired.

"Good morning, Abel!" Taylor says cheerily.

"Did you sleep well?" is the first thing he asks, ignoring Taylor completely. She purses her lips.

"Yeah, I did. You didn't have to stay out here, you know." I push off the covers and sit up on the couch, stretching my arms over my head.

"I did," he says simply.

Taylor's eyes go wide as she notices me wearing Abel's blue shirt.

"Is there something you haven't told me?" she squeaks.

I look at my shirt, at Abel, who cocks an eyebrow and waits for my response, then at Taylor.

"Yeah, actually. Today is the anniversary of my parent's death. I was trying to forget about it, but it seems I can't. The night I'd fainted I told Abel about it, so he was out here in case I needed him." I then address Abel. "Honestly, though, you didn't have to do that," I repeat.

"I'd made you a promise."

Before I can respond to Abel, Taylor wraps her arms around me.

"Oh my God, babe, I'm so sorry about your parents. I wish you'd said something," she laments.

While she's holding me, Abel stands from the chair and heads into the men's dorm, rolling his shoulders. It can't have been comfortable to sleep in an armchair.

"I'm sorry Tay, everything has been pretty crazy for me the last few days. I'll tell you about it sometime soon, OK?" I return Taylor's hug.

I feel her nodding against my shoulder. After a bit, she releases me and motions for me to stand.

"If you don't wanna explain why you're wearing that shirt to everyone, you should go get changed now. I was the first one awake but the other chefs should be up soon."

I nod as I stand, then head into the dorm bedroom. I snatch up a white undershirt and my jacket and take them into the bathroom. After a quick change, I take Abel's blue shirt and stuff it into my side drawer. I'll have to give it back to him later when people can't question me about it.

While I was getting ready, most of the other chefs have woken up.  At the bar stools outside of the kitchen, Dave serves Bella some pancakes with sliced banana for eyes and a strawberry smile. There's also a mini pancake with one strawberry on top that he slides in beside the main stack.

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