Chapter 28- Elimination

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Monday, July 1st, 2013

After another fifteen minutes of the blue team deliberating, the phone rings. Red answers, then calls for us to meet in the front of the kitchens for elimination.

We file into the booth to the right of the kitchens and watch as the men make their way to the very front. Gordon looks incredulously at the lot of them, obviously unimpressed.

"Men, I trust you've decided on two people for elimination?" Ramsay asks, squinting at the group.

"Yes, Chef," they respond.

"Good. Pietro, your first nomination and why, please," he inquires.

"We decided our first nomination is for Jay. Those mushrooms were harder than rocks and there's no way a discerning chef woulda brought that trash up to you."

Ramsay nods in agreement. "That makes sense. Who's the second nominee, Abel?"

Abel straightens up. "Our second nominee, Chef, is for Garrett. You saw him today gaping and standing around doing nothing. That's what he does nearly every service. It's hard to get him to communicate and when he does it's generally not anything useful."

Red– who is standing to my right– looks especially hopeful at the proposition of Garrett going home. I knew he'd been bothering her ever since he put his arm around her on our ride to Hell's Kitchen.

"Right then, both of you, get up here." He jabs his finger in front of himself.

The two step forward and wait in the spotlight.

Ramsay smooths his bangs out of the way then addresses one of them.

"Garrett, please tell me why you think you deserve to stay in Hell's Kitchen." He crosses his arms as he waits.

"Sir, I'm a hard worker. I have the passion it takes to be here, and I won't let myself fail."

Ramsay laughs. "Well you sure did let yourself fall."

Garrett looks embarrassed for a second. "Chef I know I can do better, please, ya have to give me another chance..."

Ramsay doesn't respond and instead turns to Jay.

"Jay, why do you think you deserve to stay in Hell's Kitchen?" He cocks his head to one side.

"Chef, I know I messed up on those mushrooms and I'm so very sorry, I should have checked them before I brought them up. I won't let you down anymore, anything else you get from me will be perfect, I promise you." He looks determinedly at Chef, but I see his hands wringing nervously behind his back.

Chef Ramsay brings his finger to his chin for a moment before looking down at the ground, shifting his feet, then looking back up.

"I've made my decision."

Garrett and Jay both look to each other and then back at Ramsay.

"My decision is..." he pauses for a long while. Both men in front of him fidget, stepping from foot to foot.

Ramsay points to Jay. "Jay, come here. I'm sorry my boy, but you will be leaving Hell's Kitchen. Hand me your jacket."

Jay drops his head and steps forward, removing his jacket.

"I'm sorry, Chef," genuine remorse in his voice.

"I know you are. Unfortunately, the head chef of 'Gordon Ramsay's London Cuisine' must be able to catch these sorts of things before they make it to the pass. Especially when they are as blatant as your mushrooms were. I'm honestly surprised that you crashed so hard on mushrooms, considering your signature dish was a mushroom dish." He takes Jay's jacket then shakes his hand.

"Good luck out there."

"Thank you, Chef," Jay sighs as he pushes open the doors to Hell's Kitchen. Most of the men and a few of the red team shout their goodbyes to him. After a moment, Ramsay speaks up.

"And then there were five." Ramsay focuses on the blue team. "Listen up gentlemen. You are getting quite low on team members, so I'm going to do something I haven't done ever in the history of Hell's Kitchen." He brings two fingers to his lips speculatively.

"I'm going to have you all decide which of the red team members you'd like to come over and whip your sorry asses into shape. Usually, this would be the red team's decision, but you boys desperately need some help. Deliberate this afternoon, then tell me what you've decided in the morning."

He then opens his palm and sweeps his arm across the dining room. "And in case you hadn't noticed, the dining room is filthy. As today's losers, clean this mess up before bed, including the kitchens. Red team, you're welcome to head up to the dorms." He dismisses us.

All of the red team starts talking at once when we make it back to the dorms.

"I can't believe this is happening..." I groan.

"Come on, letting the boys decide something like that? That isn't fair to us!"exclaims Gina.

"It's true, what if they try to bring one of us over just to harass us?" Red nervously wrings her hands together.

"They wouldn't do that, Red." Kalyani rubs her back comfortingly. "There are enough good men on the blue team that they wouldn't let anyone bother whoever gets chosen."

"Surely they'll try to pick someone strong, so they can stay ahead of the game and keep winning challenges," Gail adds.

"I don't like this at all, I love you guys..." Taylor dejectedly looks at the ground.

Bella is the only one of us looking moderately cheery. "I don't know why you all are so eager to stay. I mean, this is an opportunity! Imagine being the only surviving blue team member as a female!" She proudly looks over to where the blue team are deliberating out of earshot.

"I know at least half of them will want to pick me," she says as her eyes survey their team. "I'm one of the strongest on the red team, so if they do pick me I'm ready to go over there and win."

Honestly, Bella would probably help the red team the most if she was moved over. Not only is she a ticking time bomb for drama, but she distracts the men so much they'd surely start failing even harder. They might even realize it was Bella causing the issues and kick her out early.

"Yes, Bella, I agree, they should pick you." I nod and she smiles widely at me, obviously not understanding the motives behind my agreement.

We can't do anything but wait for tomorrow. Once we get dressed and slide into our beds, Taylor whispers, "I hope they don't pick you. I'd miss you in the kitchen."

"I'd miss you too Taylor." I pause, adding, "Hopefully they go for Bella."

She sleepily nods before turning off her bedside lamp with a muttered, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Tay," I murmur back before wrapping myself in my blankets and going to sleep.

"Goodnight, Tay," I murmur back before wrapping myself in my blankets and going to sleep

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