*Chapter 87- An Appetizer before Dinner

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||A/N: The spoof cover above was made by my lovely friend whybesosirius , the stuff on the cover isn't actually happening in my story but it was TOO COOL not to share! ||

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

"Abel, (Y/N), your limo is ready. Go on and get dressed," John-Philippe informs us from where he leans over the pass of the kitchen.

"Thank you, JP!" I respond as I place the pot of chicken stock down and wipe my hands on my apron before untying it.

JP nods then gets back to organizing the dining room. Abel and I head upstairs, taking the steps two at a time and smiling at each other before we enter our separate dorms.

I head towards my drawer and pull it out. Honestly, for going to CUT, I'd rather wear one of the dresses Gordon got for me than anything I brought for myself. My options are the grey ruffled dress from the photoshoot and the silky black dress with a velvet bow that he'd gotten for me to wear to Dining in the Dark. It seems a shame that I've only worn it once to a restaurant that no one could see it in, so I decide on the black dress.

Now that Gina isn't here, I don't have to pretend to struggle with getting it on. I do miss her, though. I manage to get along with most everyone on this show, a fact I'm grateful for. Anything to ease up on the strain of the competition, my parent's death anniversary, and juggling the logistics of two boyfriends is welcome.

I step into the closet and shimmy the dress on, feeling cool air hit my leg from the side slit in the dress as I tie the velvet belt into a bow at the back. I rummage through the closet until I find the bag containing the heels I'd gotten from the photoshoot that my makeup artist had packed away for me.

My breath catches in my throat as I pull the black heels out, spotting the red bottoms that had previously gone unnoticed.

"Louboutins..." my voice comes out in a whisper as I turn the heels over in my hands. Sure enough, on the inside I see the signature of Christian Louboutin, marking these as legitimate. I can't believe I didn't notice what I had been wearing, I had been so wrapped up in thinking about Gordon that day that I'd not realized I was wearing the most beautiful heels I could have imagined.

I slip the heels on, feeling like a princess. Gordon has gotten me so many amazing things I never could have dreamed I would own. I examine myself in the floor-length mirror on the closet door and barely recognize the radiant woman gazing back at me– her features immaculate and her outfit straight out of a designer magazine.

I push open the door to the main room and lock eyes with Abel. He's wearing a black tie and his suit from the photoshoot, the deep blue contrasting his light blue eyes that widen as he takes my outfit in.

"You..." he reaches a hand out to me, seemingly at a loss for words. I step towards him, placing my hand in his. For the first time, I see a light tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"You're absolutely perfect, (Y/N)." he pulls me into him, placing his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and breathe in his scent– clean, fresh, and masculine.

"So are you," I counter, bringing my free hand to his smooth cheek. I feel the tug of his smile against the palm of my hand.

"Can I kiss you?" he whispers, releasing my hand and wrapping his arm around my back. The eclipses of his pupils dilate as he waits for my response.

"Please?" I respond, leaning up towards him.

He bends down and presses his lips to mine, the smooth softness of his kiss ignites a slow burn in the pit of my stomach. He's always so polite, so gentle. It is very much the opposite of Gordon, whose kisses always make me want to tear his clothes off. In this case, I feel more like I want to curl up in Abel's arms and pepper his lips with fluttery smooches like we are love-struck and shy teenagers who have never kissed before.

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