Chapter 127- The Finale Part 3/5

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Monday, July 22nd, 2013

"Tay, can I get you on garnish and Shaun on meats? Garrett, get your steak diane cart ready." I shuffle my chefs into their places and grab the next ticket.

"On order, table twelve! I need two salmon, one stuffed mushrooms, and one steak diane! Can I get a time?"

Taylor corroborates with the rest of my brigade and shouts back, "Ten minutes!"

Hopefully the food Abel made is so fancy his team has to take extra time to make it. I tried to make my menu easier for my chefs to handle than some things I've seen him come up with. I wish I had time to examine what he's sending out, but the rational side of me knows that if I spend my time analyzing his dishes, then I'm going to fall behind myself.

"Can we work on two at once, Taylor?" I ask, reaching for the second ticket.

"Mmhm, should be able to! What do you need, Chef?"

"One venison, one salmon, one mushrooms for table four. How long on that?"

"Is fifteen good?" Tay asks.

"Fifteen is great!"

Garrett has to head out on his own for the steak diane now. I watch as he grabs the cart and pushes it out of the kitchen. He doesn't seem upset-which is more than I'd hoped for-but I don't know if he's the type to keep a promise.

When JP comes to deliver the next ticket, I nod toward where Garrett is exiting the kitchen and he gives me a knowing return nod. With JP monitoring Garrett, I try to let myself focus on the kitchen instead.

They bring the food up and when I check it over, it looks picture-perfect. Bella has a talent for seafood, it seems, even though I can't remember the last time she made seafood for a challenge.

"Well done Bells, these salmon look amazing!"

Bella lights up. "Thank you, Chef!"

So far, so good. When the food comes Gordon and I have already set out the dishes and it only takes a minute for me to plate the food beautifully. As I put the final touches on the stuffed mushrooms, I feel a quick pinch on my butt. Stifling my initial reaction to yelp and hop in place, I glance out of the corner of my eye and catch Gordon slipping past me with a subtle smirk on his lips. His apron flutters back into place as he makes his way over to Abel's side of the pass. He must've billowed it out to cover the camera's view.

Naughty boy, I think. He's been getting more and more bold as we get closer and closer to our big reveal. But we still have the rest of entrees and desserts to get through, and if he continues his boldness, he may as well fuck me on the countertop in front of the patrons by the time we send out the last dessert.

I halt that train of thought in its tracks and send it careening back into the deepest, darkest cave of my mind. Now is not the time to be getting hot under the collar. I call out the next ticket and send the next batch of food out, trying to keep my hormones in check.

It isn't long before Shaun delivers the next order to the pass.

"What is this?" I look at the plate of venison that was just brought up. "Shaun, stop."

Shaun halts and turns on his heel. "Yeah, Chef?"

"Come here." I beckon for him to approach, and he does. "Look at this venison. Tell me what's wrong."

He peers at it. "Could be a little more seared?"

"If by a little you mean at all, yeah. This venison is more alive than Bambi's mother!"

Shaun's smile drops, and I feel a pang of guilt. Maybe that was too mean.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Chef," Shaun sputters, grabbing for the plate. "I'll fix it, I promise!"

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