Chapter 95- LAX

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Thursday, July 18th, 2013

I wake up snuggled up in Abel's arms to the sound of the alarm clock buzzing. My face is pressed into the crook of his neck and his arm is still wrapped around my shoulders, holding me against him. He reaches his free arm out to stop the alarm, then turns back to me with a sleepy, perfect smile.

We had meant to get to bed early but proved to be too excited to sleep much. After our 'I love you's were said, we couldn't stop grinning. We stayed up late talking about anything and everything. I learned his favorite color is red, he loves dogs but has never owned one, and that he's not only studied in Germany, but also Italy, Spain, France, Japan, and even London. He's very cuddly, there wasn't a single point where we let go of each other all night. He particularly enjoyed touching the tip of his nose to mine and nuzzling me mid-conversation– I giggled like mad every time he did it. It was only when he noticed that the analog clock on the bedside table read one in the morning that we decided we should probably get to sleep.

I find myself wishing I could have late-night cuddle chats with Gordon, too. We've only been able to sleep together once, and we were both too tired to stay up talking. The ache of missing him is ever-present, but after the competition is over we won't have to be so secretive anymore. I try to placate myself with the thought of openly holding his hand for the world to see.

Well, holding both of their hands. The thought brings a creep of blush up my cheeks before I can stop it.

Though I had never considered polyamory before, after experiencing it, I can't see anything else. Not everyone is wired the same way I am so maybe they can't understand, but I love both my men. Gordon and Abel are fascinating, different, complex people. And they both love me. They set up residence in my heart so comfortably that I would be missing a part of myself if either of them were to ever leave me. Nothing else makes sense but to love them both.

I wish so badly that I could see into the future and be sure that we'll all be alright, but I can't. I have no idea what the world is going to do to us once we show our love to them. Gordon thinks the controversy will be good for popularity, but I'm not used to the limelight like he is. Then there is Abel. I don't want him to be a secret, and I don't want the world and his family to think he's a 'side guy'. Trying to figure that out is a conundrum in itself. I hope it will get easier to see our future once we can all talk openly. Together.

But for now, Abel– the man with eyes only for me and a smile so radiant it could blind– is still holding me tight against his chest. His normally slicked-back hair is messy from sleep and my fingers running through it. He looks more content than I've ever seen him before. I'm savoring the feeling of being enveloped in love and warmth when a rapid knocking on the door tears my attention from my reverie.

"Hurry up guys, ten minutes until we need to be out of here! Wear your jackets!" Tay's voice filters through the dorm door.

Ten minutes?! Oh man, I'm not ready at all! The muscles in Abel's arm tense as well before he smoothly slides his arm out from underneath me and sits up. We must have hit the snooze button more than the one time I can recall.

All my drowsiness at only having slept a few hours is pushed to the side as I sit up. Abel makes his way around the bed then reaches his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me from the bed and into his arms where he plants a kiss on my nose.

"I'll get your toothbrush ready, go on and pack your bag and get dressed, OK?"

"Alright, thank you!" I stand on my toes to kiss him tenderly. I run my fingers down his bare chest before pulling away with a sly grin. He looks dazed for a moment and I begin to turn towards the door when he takes my wrist and turns me back towards him, pulling me into his body.

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