Chapter 36- July 4th Part 4/4

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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

When I hear the door click shut, I run to the red team's room and open the door. I just barely make out the outline of someone laying on the bed, slightly obscured by the bathroom wall next to the entrance to the room.

With my breath caught in my throat, I quietly open the bathroom door, remove the hanging 'do not disturb' sign, and step inside. The figure on the bed didn't seem to move when I opened the door, which is good. Maybe they didn't hear anything.

As I enter the bathroom, I look around. The cold water is still running and my wet towel is still hung up on the towel rack. Everything looks the same, except one small, teeny-tiny detail. On the countertop, I see my clothes that I'd previously thrown into a lounge chair on the roof. I didn't bring those down with me, so someone had to have done it for me. Plus, they would have had to enter the bathroom to put it on the countertop, and inevitably they would have seen that I wasn't in the shower.

At the same moment, I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"(Y/N)?" Taylor's voice comes through over the sounds of the shower water.

All at once, I relax.

"Good God Taylor, you scared the shit out of me," I say as I open the door. She's in her normal clothes now and is smiling.

"Don't worry, I wanted to cover for you by making sure no one tried to get into the bathroom. I even brought your clothes down!" She bounces on her toes happily.

"Well, thank you, I hope you haven't been sitting here too long?" I give her an apologetic look.

She shrugs. "It was sorta boring, especially considering the dang TV doesn't work. Chef Ramsay takes his no outside influence rule very seriously. But I'd do it again easy to help a sister out," she says with a wink, then leans in closer.

"Can you tell me about what happened?" Her brown eyes sparkle.

"Sure, but give me a moment to get dressed," I say.

She nods and backs away from the door and I close it. I turn off the shower and slip off my bikini, donning my shorts and shirt instead. I didn't bring a pair of underwear, so I'll have to go commando to avoid getting wet marks from my suit onto my shorts. I open the door and head to where Taylor is lounging on the bed. She pushes herself up to a sitting position resting against the headboard as I sit down next to her.

"Soooo?" she says anxiously, unable to hide her excitement.

I feel my cheeks turn pink.

"Oh my God, you didn't!" Her eyes grow wide as she puts her hand against her chest. "No way! You didn't!"

I nod to her, a bashful smile creeping onto my lips.

She exhales heavily and slumps against the headboard. "Woah..."

"It was pretty much the best time I've had in my whole life," I say sincerely.

Taylor reaches her hand over the bed and takes mine in hers eagerly. Her hand is a bit smaller than mine and provides a huge contrast to Gordon's earlier.

I hesitate, wondering if I should tell her of Gordon's profession of love. I do trust Taylor, especially after all she's done for me, but she seems excitable and I'm not sure if she'd be able to keep a straight face around him if she knew that we did more than sleep together.

After mulling it over, I decide not to tell her. At least not yet. Letting her know about us has already got her excited enough. But telling her about his plans with Tana can't hurt, and maybe Tay can help me feel less anxious.

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