Chapter 46- Girlfriend

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Sunday, July 7th, 2013

I emerge from my shower feeling refreshed and satisfied. Gordon was right, already I feel an ache where he mercilessly drove himself into me. Tomorrow, I'm sure the ache will be much stronger. As I wrap myself in a robe before I step out from the bathroom, I take a moment to savor the sensations he's left me with.

When I open the door from the bathroom, Taylor greets me with a wave from where she's sitting at the edge of the bed nearest the door.

"(Y/N)! I missed you last night. Pietro and I had a lot of fun on our trip, even though Pietro couldn't do most of the climbing stuff. You should have seen him trying to get up to the treehouse." She giggles as she pats the side of the bed.

"Oh yeah?" I oblige and sit next to her with a smile of my own. "What'd you guys get up to?"

"Psh, that isn't important right now! What I want to ask you is, what were you off doing when I got back?" Taylor says with her voice much lower than before. The eagerness in her question is evident.

"Chef Ramsay had me meet his wife today..." I begin as I play with the ends of my robe's cloth belt. "She seemed to like me. Then, ah, she left Gordon and me alone for an hour or so..." I look at Taylor out of the corner of my eye bashfully.

She jitters in place on the bed and bounces a bit. "Oh my goodness this is so exciting! So, like, are you and Chef a thing now? For real?" She looks to me with her eyes gleaming.

I hesitate. This would be the first time I tell anyone about Gordon and I's relationship. Taylor has known some, but I haven't told her too much. She's been loyal this whole time and even sacrificed her time at the rooftop pool to cover for me. I guess it's only fair for her to be the first to know.

I feel my cheeks start to heat up before I even begin to respond.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are. Gordon–" I lean in even closer to Taylor, who cranes her neck towards me, "Gordon told me he loves me. I-I told him I love him too. And I really do. I'm a mess, aren't I?"

Taylor covers her mouth with her hand to keep herself from squealing in girlish joy.

"Oh my GOD, (Y/N), you're Gordon Ramsay's girlfriend?!" she whisper-shouts from between her fingers.

I hush her and nod my head as the reality of the situation dons on me. This isn't a shared fantasy between Gordon and me anymore. This is a real relationship that, soon enough, people will know about if I keep it up.

"I can't believe I'm best friends with Gordon's girlfriend," Taylor wistfully says as she takes her hand from her mouth. "This is closer to celebrity-dom than I ever thought I'd get. Are you going to tell people?" Taylor asks, concerned eyes resting on my reddened face.

"I... I'm not sure," I mumble. "Won't people hate me if they see me with a married man? Even if his wife approves, it isn't really normal at all, is it?"

Taylor shrugs. "I mean, I can see how happy you make him. He calms down a lot easier when you're around, you know? Maybe if people see you on this show then hear about you two being together, they might not think it is such a bad thing. Especially if Tana lets the general public know she doesn't mind."

"Really? You think so? I'm just worried about people's ideas of me they might get. I don't want people to hate me right at the start of my chef career," I lament.

"They might not hate you. It'll be a shock, for sure, but if you guys handle it right I don't think it'll be too bad honestly," Taylor says. I give her an incredulous look.

"Yeaaah, right, I don't believe that for a second. Chef Ramsay told me that people like Bella on the show for her drama. If they like her, they'll LOVE the story of our romance right on the set of Hell's Kitchen for all the wrong reasons." I drop my head into my hands and sigh heavily.

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