Chapter 32- Photoshoot!

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

The red team runs up to our dorms, Abel trailing behind. I brush my teeth and wonder what sort of clothes they'll dress us up in for the photoshoot.

This is crazy, not only am I in Hell's Kitchen, but I'm also going to be in a famous magazine– with Chef Ramsay! How many other chefs would kill to be in my position? I gleefully jitter with excitement thinking about everyone seeing me in a centerfold standing with the Gordon Ramsay. If only they knew what else we'd gotten up to while I've been here, oh I know it'd blow up the tabloids for sure. I feel my cheeks heating up even thinking about him laying me down on that desk, his fingers roaming across my bare skin tantalizingly, his hot breath on my neck...

"(Y/N) are you ready?" Taylor hooks her arm through mine as I spit my toothpaste into the sink, surprising me.

"Uh, yeah! Sorry, let's go," I sputter, following Taylor as she pulls me through the room.

We all go downstairs where Jean-Philippe leads us to the double doors, opening one side for us to step through. The now-familiar Hell's Kitchen limo waits for us outside with Gordon holding open the door for us, wearing his crisp head chef jacket.

Taylor only removes her arm from mine when we make it to the limo. Ramsay takes my hand and helps me into the limo with a small smile. I don't have a chance to smile back before Bella enters the limo behind me and blocks my view. Gordon slides in last, this time next to Red. She tries to scoot away from him to give him space but ends up mushing herself against the window of the limo. Gordon notices and slides away from her, taking her arm and pulling her from the side so she's comfortably sitting.

"I'll need your microphones, everyone." Ramsay holds out his hand and collects our clip-on mics. "I'll return them to you when we resume recording, you'll be changing clothes too much to bother with these for now."

With Taylor on one side of me and Bella on the other, we ride through the busy streets of Los Angeles. Gordon talks to us about the magazine, how prestigious it is to be included in it, and how we can all surely use this on our resumes if we aren't chosen as the winner. Bella laps up his every word, nodding agreement and leaning forward towards him as if she is trying to show off her chest. Even in our conservative chef's jackets, this bitch is still vying for Gordon's attention. I bristle a bit, but he pays her no mind. After thirty minutes we arrive at a wide brick building nestled on a street corner.

Chef Ramsay exits first and holds the door for us, helping us out. As I am exiting, Ramsay squeezes my hand. I find myself wishing he'd pass me another note... I'm dying not only to be with him but just to talk to him. There's so much I still don't know and the free time we have together is so rare it feels like I'll never get answers to all my questions. I stand near him as the rest of the red team is helped out.

When Abel is about to exit the vehicle he politely waves away Chef Ramsay's hand and gets out on his own.

The door to the building opens and a tall woman with a clipboard and brown horn-rimmed glasses stands at the entrance. Chef Ramsay approaches her with a greeting and kisses her cheeks while she does the same to him. I know that's a common greeting where Chef Ramsay is from, but it does spark a little jealousy in the pit of my stomach. I wonder to myself how his wife deals with her man being so desirable, surely I can't be the only one he's used her permission to... be with. Not that I have any say in what he does, honestly, I'm just lucky to have even been in his eyesight much less underneath him.

The woman leads us into the building, through the modern-art filled lobby and then into a room that has been outfitted for our shoot. There are racks of clothing to the side of the room, and the woman asks us to wait by the side for her assistants.

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