Chapter 88- CUT

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Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

When I emerge from the bathroom, both Abel and Gordon are waiting for me, chatting with each other. I can't lie that the worked-up part of my brain had hoped for something more to happen, but this isn't Dining in the Dark. There are people here, and what Gordon had done was risky enough. I take note of the Hell's Kitchen filming crew nearby and once again feel relief that they were too busy filming the food prep to bother us.

I wonder what Abel thinks of Gordon and me after what happened... he doesn't seem to be anything but calm and he held my hand the entire time so, in the very least, he isn't put off by it. I still can't believe Gordon was so intrepid about the fact Abel was right there next to me.

"Hey." Abel grins, holding a hand out. I take it, returning his smile as he leads us towards the booth.

This time, as we approach the booth, Abel's family steps into the room, wearing the same outfits they had worn during the judging of the platter contest. Gordon's grey suit and black tie contrast nicely with Abel and Atlan's deep blue suits. I don't think I've ever been around so many well-dressed men before in my life.

"Welcome!" Gordon greets them, shaking Abel's father's hand and making me ever so grateful he washed them first. He then kisses Evelyn and Jane's cheeks before directing the family towards our booth. Atlan is seated first, followed by his wife, his daughter, Abel, myself, then Gordon at the very end.

In the center of the table, Charles drops off a plate of three different bread rolls– seeded sourdough, baked onion ciabatta, and a pretzel roll. There is a separate plate with a rounded cut of homemade, salted butter. I release Abel's hand then cut a bit of each of the rolls off and get to work on spreading butter over the fresh rolls.

"So," Gordon starts. "Are you enjoying Los Angeles? Have you been scouted for a movie yet, darling?" he directs the question to Jane, who bashfully grins.

"No, not yet Chef. I am really liking it here, though." She flips her dark hair over her shoulder. "I might have to move here after I graduate."

Atlan grabs a cheese bread, placing it on a small white plate in front of him before he scoffs. "Both my kids are going to be on TV and one is headed straight into show business, good God."

"Is there a problem with show business?" Gordon asks, genuine curiosity in his inquiry.

"Not inherently, but nowadays the people at the top have little regard for the people that work below them." He pulls apart the cheesy bread and a string of gooey cheese drips onto the plate. "Of course, your profession might be the exception to the rule, so Abel will probably be alright, but I'm worried about my little girl."

I immediately think about the fact that Gordon and I will be sharing our relationship with the world. Abel is a huge part of the show, and there is no way that he will come out unscathed from the backlash. The now-familiar feeling of guilt creeps back into my mind.

"Show business is all about connections. If she makes the right ones, then she can avoid unsavory practices. I happen to know quite a few people in the business who can help her get onto the right path. If she's good, that is." Gordon winks at Jane, who averts her eyes but continues to smile.

"Oh, she's good." Atlan nods. "I'd appreciate that."

"Give me a call when she graduates, yeah?"

"For sure, thank you."

"Don't thank me yet, she's still got a lot more work to do. But if her work ethic is anything like her brother's, I know she'll make it," Gordon praises.

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