Chapter 35- Elimination

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Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013

We all head together into the main area of the dorms. I sit on the couch next to Gail and Gina, while Taylor, Red, and Bella sit in the armchairs across from the sofa.

"This fucking suuuucks..." Gina puts her head in her hands, her cropped black hair falling down over her fingers.

Bella smacks her lips. "The meat station is what 'sucked' today. I'm voting for Taylor and Gail. I mean, come on, Gail didn't even check the oven temp before she stuck the Wellingtons inside."

I lean forward towards Bella. "You forgot to stir your spinach, which I'd consider an equally rookie mistake."

She huffs. "Yeah, but at least I didn't force anyone to re-make any food, now did I?"

"You just got lucky with being on garnish, it's easy to resolve any problems you might have," Gail says, her fingers digging into the couch.

"Sure, that's true, but it's also easy to check the damn temp of an oven," Bella retorts haughtily.

Taylor pulls off the bandana that had been holding back her curls and speaks up. "I'm going to vote for Gail and Bella. Gail because she didn't check the temp on the oven and Bella because not burning spinach is about the easiest thing we do in that kitchen. Sorry, Gail," she adds.

Gail shakes her head. "Just because you weren't in charge of the oven doesn't mean that you should have sent up that dry Wellington. I'm voting Taylor and Bella."

I place my hands in my lap and lean my head back, sighing.

"What do you think, (Y/N)? Have you decided your votes?" Gina asks, peering at me.

"Yeah..." I say as I sit up in the seat, "I have. I vote for Gail and Bella, for the same reasons that Taylor stated."

Bella whines. "You guys always try to up me for every little thing! It's such blatant favoritism! You just don't want to up your 'best friend'." Bella glares hatefully at me, then flicks her gaze to Taylor, who doesn't make eye contact with either of us.

"I can't say that she's not my friend but Taylor wasn't the one to make the big fumble on the meat station that held us all back. The oven was Gail's responsibility. Like the spinach was yours, and you failed," I respond.

Gina mumbles to herself for a moment before she raises her head from her hands.

"I'm going to have to go for the meat station. Taylor and Gail. Both of you should be responsible for the oven."

Red– who has been sitting quietly this whole discussion– finally perks up as we turn to her. We all realize she will need to break the tie between Bella and Taylor.

She silently sweeps her eyes between Taylor and Bella before she breaths deeply.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to vote for Gail and Bella. I can't blame Taylor for trusting Gail."

Bella pushes herself up out of the armchair and stomps into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Shortly afterward, we all can hear the muffled sound of screaming. Did she just go in there to scream into a pillow?

Well, at least she's taking steps to not viciously attack people she is mad at. Maybe she's learned one thing during her time at Hell's Kitchen.

The phone rings and Red answers it. She then tells us all to head downstairs for elimination.

Bella doesn't leave the dorm bedroom, so Red goes to the door and knocks. After a minute, a puffy-eyed Bella opens the door and sniffles as she pushes past Red in the doorway and heads down the stairs.

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