Chapter 98- You Can Touch Me

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Thursday, July 18th, 2013

"Taylor, I think (Y/N) should eat something first before we head down to the main room. She hasn't eaten yet, remember?" Abel turns his attention from Taylor to me.

"Oh yeah..." Taylor releases our arms. "Then you get some food in her and I'll keep Bella in line until you guys join us, alright?"

"That sounds good." My stomach rumbles in agreement.

"Bells, where are you? We gotta get to partying!" Taylor shouts, rushing off to chase Bella.

Abel takes my arm and leads me to the elegant beige sofa in the center of the living room. We sit in front of the coffee table laid out with hors d'oeuvre finger foods. I lean forward to grab a tiny sandwich when Abel speaks.

"You should eat something more substantial than snacks, (Y/N). It'll get your strength back faster." Abel moves towards the end table beside the sofa and grabs the room service menu, presenting it.

"Oh, that makes sense." I nod, taking the menu and flipping through it. My eyes glue to the chicken parmesan with alfredo noodles on the second page.

"Something caught your attention?" Abel inquires.

"Yeah," I grin. "Hand me the phone?"

Abel picks up the phone and gives it to me. I dial 0 and place my order when I reach the operator.

"She says it'll be twenty minutes," I tell Abel as Bella and Taylor make their way back into the living room.

"I found the room I want." Bella bounces in place. "All of the rooms are pretty cool, though. Mine is on the left at the end of the hallway, Taylor wants the room a little ways away from mine, which means you guys get the rooms at the other end of the suite."

Ooh, privacy. I like the sound of that. I find myself hoping Abel wants to spend the night with me again so we don't have to use the second room at all.

"Welp, Bells and I are gonna head down to the casino. We'll keep the tables warm for you." Taylor laces her arm through Bella's and pulls her towards the door.

Once the door clicks shut, Abel places his hand on mine.

"What say you to getting these microphones off for a while? Ramsay did say we were allowed to when the camera crew is not around."

"That sounds great." I pull my mic off and place it into Abel's palm. He stands and takes the mics down the hallway and comes back a minute later.

"There, finally some privacy." Abel stretches his arms over his head before he settles down next to me on the couch again.

"Is there anything you want to talk about now that we aren't being recorded? You know, about Gordon?" I ask, shifting in my seat to face him.

"Gordon and I both want whatever is going to make you happy, (Y/N). It is as simple as that."

How is it possible for any of this to be simple? I search his face for a hint of insincerity, and find none.

"But I want you both to be happy, not just me," I say as I reach out for his hand. He laces his fingers with mine.

"I am happy." He smiles gently.

"But will you be when Gordon and I come out with our relationship?" I tighten my fingers around his. "Do you want to be a part of that still?"

"Well, do you want me to be a part of it?" he asks, tilting his head.

"Of course I do. You know I do." I nod fiercely. "But the thing is, it won't be easy. The paparazzi are going to be all over us. They're going to delve into your life like crazy if I tell people that you're mine. It is going to effect your family in more ways than I can even fathom." I squeeze his hand.

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