Part 30: You Like Ice cream?

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" Hey, Toga..."

Izuku uttered her name profoundly. In an instant, she knew who he was. The green hair, the freckles, there's no doubt about it...

This was also to be expected. Her actions almost ruined his entire life, so Toga didn't have that sarcastic smile on her face anymore...

' He's Izuku?'

Toga could only wonder if it's really him. Sure, the hair, freckles, it's definetly him, but everything else is completely of resemblance of a new person.

The first time they had an encounter, it's was in a way most wouldn't expect to happen.

First time laying her eyes on Izuku, she already had figured him out. Albeit he was an innocent and easily flustered person, he would fight if needed to.

And now, she has no read on him. He was completely unpredictable.

" What the hell did you do?!?"

A voice laced with anger was heard  behind the newly arrived classmate. It's tone made it clear that the person didn't like Izuku's actions.

" Ended Momo's plan before it even started."

Izuku replied to Kaminari, showing no hint of guilt for knocking Momo out. Safe to say, he somewhat wanted to do this, it was quite pleasure enducing.

" Plan? What plan?"

Kirishima was also interested, so were the others that haven't left the class for lunch break. Still, their worry for Momo's well-being was awfully high.

" It's kinda easy to figure it out."

Izuku exclaimed, afixing his gaze onto the unconscious, and if not already dead Momo.

" Her plan was to provoke Toga and cause a fight."

To be fair, it did seem to be true, Momo did call her a blood freak seemingly out of the blue.

" You're just spouting nonsense!!"

Uraraka begged to differ.

" Toga was provoking her!"

She screamed, her anger was now boiling. Seeing her bestfriend get knocked out by her ex just doesn't sit right with her.

Hell, she even wanted to attack. As of now, she only views Izuku the same way she did months ago, an overly innocent boy who doesn't have the guts to hit a girl, let alone her ex.

Ironic, since Momo's on the ground, unconscious, caused by yours truly.

" Wasn't she doing the same thing?"

Izuku questioned Uraraka's short term memory.

" She called her a blood freak out nowhere, that's enough to know what she wanted to do."

" What's going on here?!"

Their unneeded arguing was suddenly interrupted by one of the teachers.

They all turned their heads swiftly behind and noticed one of the teachers came into the class. It was Midnight.

" Why is one of your students on the floor?!? "

She exclaimed in worry as she noticed Momo lying on the ground. Izuku was the closest to her, so this did not look good.

" It's Izuku's fault, he did this to her!"

Uraraka stated, pointing her finger at Izuku with anger.

It was actually lucky that a teacher came into the class. Midnight was just minding her own bussiness when she heard the commotion and ran in to see what it was about.

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